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February 9, 2025

Voter Education – Vote Smart, not emotionally!

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On March 14, 2016

Illinois – (ECWd) 

It has been a long time since Illinois was a player in a Presidential primary election for a Republican candidate.  All indications now point to Illinois being a key factor as to the direction of who the Republican Presidential candidate will be.

As most everyone knows, the Democrats have controlled the House and Senate for many years with no thanks to Mike Madigan.  In this State, the old saying of “Follow the Money” has meaning, especially since our number one manufactured product in this state is corruption.

Before you mark your ballot selecting who your pick is for the Republican Presidential candidate, may we suggest you at least look at one record of importance.

Trump Donations:

  • $50,000.00 Chicago for Rahm Emanuel
  • $12,500.00 – Cook County Democrat Party
  • $7,000.00 – Friends of Blagojevich (Convicted Criminal)
  • $5,000.00 Citizens for Alderman Reilly (Chicago Democrat)
  • $10,000.00 Citizens for George Ryan (Convicted Criminal)

Donald Trump has sunk just shy of $70,000.00 dollars into the Chicago machine with most of that within the last 6 years.  His lone Republican donation to Gearge Ryan, a convicted criminal, was in 1998 and 2001.

Following the money of Donald Trump appears to point to a solid support for the Democrats who control the most corrupt city in this country and Zero support for the Republicans since 2001, which is 15 years ago.

I agree that Donald Trump has changed the narrative and speaks to a lot of the same concerns most of us have.  I even appreciate his total disregard for political correctness.  However, all that aside, how can anyone expect Trump to change all the things he is claiming is broken when he in fact was supporting those that broke it in the first place?

If the question was, “would you vote for a republican for President if that candidate only contributed to Democrats in the last 15 years”, I suspect you would say no way.

For those who are going to vote in tomorrow’s primary, I urge you to educate yourself on the candidates.  Please don’t support one that supports the party opposite of what you stand for.

Voters who vote for people based on emotion and feelings is part of why this state is in the mess it is.  Please educate yourself on the candidates and vote based on that education.  Anything less is like buying a lottery ticket.

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  • former Paris resident
    Posted at 04:38h, 15 March

    Can you dig up any money he may of gave to the other republican side ??? Trump may have given to these people but did he give the same to the other side ??? That is usually how all businesses’ do , they hedge their bets …

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 09:16h, 15 March

      EVERYTHING he donated is shows above. He gave to one Republican back in 1998 and 2001.
