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March 28, 2025

Kraft v. Arcola Township Oral Arguments Audio –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On March 9, 2016


Oral Arguments were heard this morning at 10:00 a.m. on four cases appealed out of Douglas County Circuit Court.

All four cases dealt with the Freedom of Information Act, and Kraft’s assertion that Arcola Township violated the act.

Listen to the arguments below:

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  • Trojan Horse
    Posted at 15:24h, 21 April

    Have you made any new FOIA requests?

    • Trojan Horse
      Posted at 19:26h, 19 May

      I assume not. Please don’t push this one under the rug because you hit a brick wall.

  • karl Henna
    Posted at 15:17h, 20 March

    Whats the Appellate Court Verdict? Mr, Craft what is the next step if they say no wrong doing?

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 21:54h, 20 March

      still waiting. it takes 4 to 6 weeks form what I am told

  • Wondering
    Posted at 09:14h, 16 March

    What are the attorney fees for the township going to be for 2 years of legal maneuvering just to not let taxpayers see what there tax dollars are used for? Or will we ever be told

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 17:52h, 16 March

      We will tell that story.

  • Don;t think so
    Posted at 16:43h, 12 March

    County I don’t think it’s so much that the taxpayers are uneducated but the fact that they are afraid to speak up.How many people over the years have have either questioned or crossed Deana and Mark without paying a price?By nature most anyone that;s ever payed taxes has bitched about it in one way or another, we here it all the time,their to high,there’s to many of them,or what are they going to do with the money.Well in the case of the Arcola Township Board you give your part time secretary $45,000.00,credit cards,insurance,and other benfits.You give Mark Nacke $60,000.00,a truck to drive,all the gas he can use,insurance,retirement,use of township equipment for personal use and other benfits.You hire an attorney to be your FOIA officer,allow your Supervisor to sit on his hands and do nothing,let the clerk do the bidding of the part time secretary,all the while the hand picked trustees do and say nothing.The sad state of affairs is simply this,the entire Arcola Township Board is knowingly hiding taxpayer funded wrong doing.There can be no other explaination!

  • Next County
    Posted at 12:02h, 11 March

    After 2 years I see the taxpayers of Arcola township are still paying for the cover-up created by the secretary and the road commissioner and Mr. Combs and Mr. Petty is still adding to his retirement fund. Way to go court system and for the uneducated tax payers of Arcola township you have no one to blame except yourself for not taking control of this mess. Arcola township is the laughing stock of Illinois

  • Broom Corn Joni
    Posted at 17:20h, 10 March

    What the heck is exhibit 3? Mr. Petty sure doesn’t seem to want the judges to rule on it,and by the way,Mr. Petty sure goes out of his way to defend Judge Broach.Sounds a lot like Mr. Petty has Judge Broach’s back.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 17:37h, 10 March

      it was proof they lied

  • Unhappy Taxpayer
    Posted at 07:32h, 10 March

    Could someone tell me why Deana Shields name keeps coming up when Clerk Bill Coombe is the FOIA officer for the Township.Does anybody on that board do what they were elected to do?

  • Dave
    Posted at 20:08h, 09 March

    Its improper to not sent the requested documents to someone other than the requester. There is no reason to “assume” that Kraft’s attorney was to get the documents.

    They have to have documents concerning the compensation package, who are they kidding
