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March 28, 2025

Jim Acklin and Les Hoveln, former school board president, team up to spread lies with robocall –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On March 3, 2016

St. Joseph – Ogden – (ECWd) –

The race for State Representative of the 102nd District heated up yesterday when Candidate Jim Acklin endorsed comments made by his former school board president of St. Joseph – Ogden School District.

Acklin sent out a robocall  with Les Hoveln speaking as the the former SJO school board president claiming lies about a recent attack ad against Acklin by the Liberty Principles PAC.

In the robocall, Acklin and Hoveln placed the blame on Halbrook’s campaign for the attack ad, which is clearly a lie. But that doesn’t matter to Acklin, he’s playing defense and apparently everything goes.

Additionally, the issue presented in the robocall, about what was in the attack ad was not even addressed, instead it concentrated on the arrest and conviction of a teacher, whom Acklin and Acklin’s son stood up for in the teacher’s wedding.

The attack ad from Liberty Principles PAC addressed an alleged failure to report abuse with a different student.

Acklin needs to gets his facts straight prior to placing blame – but, this is the political season…

The sad part in this, is that while he is saying “they” lied about him, he uses lies against his opponent.

The “attack ad” clearly stating it is from the Liberty Principles PAC:


Acklin’s attack robocall accusing the wrong person of making the attack ad:

  • This attack robocall lied about Halbrook and the video
  • This attack ad claims it is disturbing to use this for political advantage, and then went ahead and used it for their political advantage
  • Fails to mention the alleged failure to report prior abuse by the same teacher







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  • Louise Bryant
    Posted at 14:48h, 08 March

    I am sorry but you are wrong I worked at the High School when all of this was going on and it was taken care of properly and I think that it is sad that you would do this again. People are trying to go on about there lives but people like you won’t let them. I know that Acklin did take this very seriously they even removed all of his plaques that Mr. Jamison won when he was in school himself. I think that it is so sad that know one can run for anything without someone like you mud slinging. It is a pity. And it makes me sick. You want to tell everyone running for office to grow up this is what we tell our children but adults can’t do do you think that they will listen. Do not send me any more of your pathetic fliers either. The people that you are hurting are the ones that are trying to put there lives back together. Grow up.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 14:59h, 08 March

      We don’t send out flyers, and you should review the time-line of event prior to commenting. You are confused.

  • homer
    Posted at 15:12h, 04 March

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    Seriously truth hurts sometimes

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 21:35h, 04 March

      homer: please provide a link to the contributions you are alleging, then we will approve the comment.

      • homer
        Posted at 05:54h, 05 March

        Brad Halbrook 102nd State Rep, 110th State Rep, 102nd State Rep $173,421.62
        Moderator note: The link lists all money spent in support of and in opposition of certain candidates. It by no means should be construed as donations towards any candidates. State law requires PACs to report money spent in support of and in opposition of, candidates and other ballot measures.
        So, yes, it is true the PAC has spent that in support of Halbrook, but by no means should it indicate any receipt of funds, or any collusion with or support by any candidate’s campaign committee.

  • Mr. Kotter
    Posted at 21:50h, 03 March

    Good point.

    Since Brad Halbrook is mentioned, it reminds me to ask – Why is Brad getting back into it, and why did he not run for a consecutive term?

  • G. Barraclough
    Posted at 21:38h, 03 March

    There are several ideal candidates for a new Illinois Auditor General mentioned in this article.

  • Another Watchdog Watcher
    Posted at 16:23h, 03 March

    Still waiting on your articles about Brad Halbrook…but then again, why would you disclose that Liberty Principles PAC, is ran by Dan Proft. Who by the way, supports not only our current disaster of a Gov, Bruce Rauner. But he also is a big supporter of Mr. Halbrook. It also doesn’t help that Former Gov Edgar supports Acklin and has been a outspoken critic of Rauner.

    Further, you should disclose that you have a big Halbrook sign in your front yard.

    These little facts would not support your narrative of something being “clearly a lie”. I know you can not help yourself, but please at least try to state all the facts and not your opinion/spin on selected facts that fit your current narrative.

    For every good thing you guys do, you also do many shady things to discredit yourselves.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 21:39h, 04 March

      still waiting on any tips from you leading to anything we need to write about. but you won’t send any because they do not exist.
      the sign in my yard has noting to do with whether or not the Acklin campaign lied in the robocall – I could remove the sign, and Acklin would have still lied.
      I noticed Acklin didn’t blame Halbrook during the Crestwood school event, so that shows he was wrong to accuse him in the robocall.
      Acklin talks about gathering all the fact, but failed to gather them in this instance
