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March 29, 2025

Cahokia’s Mayor McCall – still using Police to intimidate the public –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On March 17, 2016


The picture says it all.

I have yet to attend a public meeting where police officers are used in such a fashion to intimidate the public.

Please don’t consider this a police-hate article, because we realize they are simply doing their job as instructed.

I think people are adult enough to figure out what is happening in this picture, and Mayor McCall has done this for the past several months in an attempt at intimidating the public and elected councilmen from speaking their minds.

No, this picture wasn’t taken in North Korea…it was taken in Cahokia, Illinois.

The two people standing against the wall are Cahokia police officers. they have been directed to stand there during public meetings . . . like the Mayor’s “minders” waiting on someone to say something the Mayor does not like…

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1 Comment
  • Steve Trego
    Posted at 13:40h, 17 March

    Saddam would do that. He’d always have an armed uniformed guard standing behind him while he was at the head of the table during a meeting.
