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January 15, 2025

Auditor General Frank Mautino lawyered up, still no answers

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On March 1, 2016

Springfield, IL (ECWd) –

As the citizens of Illinois continue to wait for answers regarding clear questionable campaign expenditures by Frank Mautino, the Illinois Auditor General, it appears the wait will continue.

In yet another delay tactic so common with political figures that get caught with their hand in a cookie jar, Mautino has once again provided no answers and more delay in a recent letter sent to State Representative Grant Wehrli.

Mautino states:

“I have retained Bill Roberts and his law firm, Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP, as well as other professionals, to assist me with the examination of my closed campaign committee’s files, receipts, checks, and all other relevant documents that will enable me to respond accurately to the your inquiries.”

Mautino previously released a statement in which he claimed all the expenditures were standard and reasonable and that he would release more information “at the right time.”

Our first report on his spending was January 19th, 2016.  To date he has not provided a single response explaining the questionable spending. He simply has his PR person claim the spending was standard and reasonable.

If the citizens of this state are to believe anything the Auditor General says he needs to come clean. Now he reports to have laywered up and hired other professionals?  If the spending was standard and reasonable why would you need a lawyer and other professionals?

He claims they are there to assist him in the examination of his closed campaign files, as if telling us it’s a closed campaign makes any difference.  It’s time for the Auditor General to release all of his campaign records so that the public can examine them and see for themselves what the truth is instead of hearing talking points from hired professionals.

This is the most recent letter Mautino released that once again failed to answer questions raised by the Representatives dating back to February 1st, 2016.

Release or Resign!

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Full coverage of the Mautino campaign scandel can be reviewed at this link.

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Auditor General Article


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1 Comment
  • NiteCat
    Posted at 16:48h, 01 March

    His good buddy Madigan is protecting and advising him. Trying to get support through that firewall to force him to come clean by any elected officials in an election year would be a fools errand.
