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October 19, 2024

State Rep. Candidate Jim Acklin says follow the money –

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On February 29, 2016

102nd State Representative District, (ECWd)

And you should, follow his money, leading to Chicago and Springfield…

The best the voters can hope for is that when a candidate makes a statement, they can trust their words as being honest.  As we all know, that is not exactly the case we see in today’s politics.

According to the reporting by the News-Gazette, Acklin may have to rethink his suggestion to “follow the money”.

From the News Gazzette: On three separate occasions in the forum, Acklin, a former school administrator running for political office for the first time, said he “won’t be beholden to any special interest group or to any political benefactor. I’ll be an independent voice for people in this district.

Asked after the forum to whom he was referring, Acklin admitted he was talking about Halbrook, who has been endorsed by Rauner and received two separate campaign contributions of $5,400 from the governor and his wife.

“That goes back to where our money is coming from. Our money is coming from District 102,” Acklin said. “That’s not necessarily the case with my opponents. I’m just saying follow the money.”

Let’s take Acklin’s advice and follow the money.

  • Chicago Land Operators Joint Labor-Management – $53,900.00
  • Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE -Springfield – $5,000.00
  • Illinois PAC for Education (IPACE) – Springfield – $30,000.00
  • Susan Kerr – Robinson, IL –$1,000.00
  • Associated Fire Fighters of IL PAC -Springfield, IL 62704 – $15,000.00
  • Illinois PAC for Education (IPACE) – Springfield IL – $20,000.00
  • SUAACTION -Springfield, IL  – $2,000.00
  • Jean Forsythe – Barrington, IL $4,900.00
  • Gerald Forsythe – Barrington, IL $4,900.00
  • Alan Puzey – Fairmont, IL – $200.00

The total money collected by Acklin, a retired school superintendent who draws over $100,000 a year in his state pension as a superintendent, is $166,650.00.

$136,900.00 of his $166,650, or 82% of his campaign funds come from……… outside the district!

Please, take his own words and figure out who he will be beholden to – he said it, not us.

“Our money is coming from District 102

According to his own filings with the State Board of education that statement is not true.

“won’t be beholden to any special interest group or to any political benefactor. I’ll be an independent voice for people in this district.

If a person is beholden to special interests groups based on where the money comes from as Acklin is implying, is Acklin not beholden to the outside groups supporting his campaign?  Groups that contrary to his claim, are clearly outside the district.  Considering big labor and teachers unions have dumped over $100K into his campaign does anyone believe that he is not going to vote to represent their interests instead of those in the district.

“I’m just saying follow the money!”

If follow the money is the advice Acklin is giving the voters, we agree, follow the money, as in the taxpayer’s money and where it goes!

If elected, Acklin would be in a position to establish a second pension on top of his current one all while receiving no less than $167,836.00 a year.

It’s your money, your vote!

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  • Geoff
    Posted at 08:12h, 02 March

    The Gerald Forsythe and his wife that are listed from Barrington Illinois, is an Inventor/ Farm owner/ and Racing Mogul from Paris Illinois also, that apparently resides in Chicago now that his corporate office is there on I-94 on the northside of Chicago.

  • Mike
    Posted at 00:45h, 02 March

    To recap, Jim Acklin is a retired St Joseph Ogden High School District 305 (Champaign County) Superintendent receiving a $100,468 TRS pension (as of April 1, 2014) and has received substantial union contributions for his Republican State Representative 102nd District primary campaign, election to be held on March 15, 2015.

    The majority of the contributions to Mr. Acklin listed in the article above are from organized labor unions or union affiliated political action committees (PACs).

    Here is more detail on those PACs.

    – – – – – – –

    Chicago Land Operators Joint Labor-Management is the PAC for International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Labor Management Cooperating Committee (LMCC), which is affiliated with IUOE Local 150, which is the local covering northern Illinois, northern Indiana, and northeast Iowa.

    A LMCC is a partnership between Management (employers) and Labor in the construction trades industries, one purpose typically being to advocate for funding for public sector construction projects.

    The traditional core membership of IUOE is heavy equipment operators, but includes mechanics & surveyors in the construction industry, stationary engineers in operations and maintenance in building and industrial complexes and service industries, nurses and other health industry workers, public employees in various occupations, and various jobs in the petrochemical industry.

    – – – – – – – – – – – –

    The Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE (Committee on Political Education) is the PAC for the Illinois Federation of Teachers (IFT), which is one of the two major statewide teacher unions in Illinois (the other is the Illinois Education Association – IEA).

    Affilated IFT & IEA Locals exist at the school district level (IFT also has locals in state government), and have national parent organizations: American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and National Education Association (NEA).

    – – – – – – – – – – –

    Illinois PAC for Education (IPACE) is the Illinois Political Action Committee for Education, which is the PAC for the Illinois Education Association (IEA).

    – – – – – – – – – –

    Associated Fire Fighters of IL PAC – Springfield, IL 62704 is the PAC for the Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois (AFFI).
    The affiliated local fire department or fire protection district unions are named IAFF Local xxxx. The affiliated nationwide union is the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF).

  • Kirk Allen
    Posted at 20:27h, 01 March

    Anyone willing to be interviewed on camera regarding this candidate let us know.

  • Eric Pratt
    Posted at 18:56h, 01 March

    I’ve known Jim for over 35 years. His attitude when accepting a position is “10 bucks an hour and all I can steal” The worst. Nobody needs this guy.

    • Betsy
      Posted at 21:05h, 02 March

      Who even are you? This is my brother, and I think if he’d known you over 35 years, I’d know you too.

  • Jon
    Posted at 07:02h, 01 March

    Mr Acklin is a perfect example of what we have running for office. Those campaign contributions are not from the citzens he claims he represents but from groups who he will
    more than likely have to repay back with some sort of favor. Let’s face the facts that Jim
    talks out of both sides of his mouth. Let’s hope that the voters can see who he really represents and sends him back collecting his FAT pension check. We don’t need people like this running for office in a state that’s flat broke. Thank you Watchdogs for bringing this to the attention of the citzens who are paying this guys pension and struggling to keep up with the cost of living in Illinois.

  • Cindy L Reese
    Posted at 04:54h, 01 March

    Only $1,000 from Bob Morgan’s wife??? I wonder how much old Bob contributed under the table. That contribution speaks volumes!

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 13:09h, 01 March

      Scroll down further. She has given a total of $5,900, which I believe exceeds the allowable limit from an individual.

      • Cindy L Reese
        Posted at 02:11h, 02 March

        My bad for not looking further. Makes you wonder how much was slipped under the table by her husband. He owns Paris and probably working on owning a rep.
