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DuPage County Chairman Dan Cronin Praises COD Reform Board –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On February 6, 2016

DuPage Co., (ECWd) –

In a letter to the Higher Learning Commission, DuPage County Board Chairman Dan Cronin praised the new reform majority of the College of DuPage and their swift action to restore the College’s credibility and their instituting of required reform measures.

He explained, in the letter, how the community rallied around the college after the April election which brought new reform minded Trustees in a landslide election against past board members.

Cronin goes on to say that the college is returning to one of accountability.

He asked the HLC to recognize the progress achieved by the reform board and for them to support and encourage COD’s reform mission.

In the final sentence, Dan Cronin states that “[COD] is headed on the right path and [the trustees] are committed to correcting past deficiencies and to reestablish COD’s reputation in the educational community.”

The College of DuPage could not have done this without entirely new legal counsel, cooperating with federal and state criminal investigations, and without the support of the voters in the district who overwhelmingly voted for this reform. 

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  • Rob Johnson
    Posted at 09:43h, 09 February

    I wouldn’t be so quick to heap praise on Mr. Cronin. Clearly the bolded part of this article referring to new legal counsel did not come from Mr. Cronin. In fact, I was surprised to find our Chairman standing on my front porch walking for a little known candidate for County Board District 4. He went on to tell me how great is candidate was even though I never heard of the candidate before. After researching the candidate’s public record, I could not find a thing she has done to help or serve our community.

    I was somewhat taken back that the DuPage County Chairman was out knocking on doors. I asked myself why? Then it hit me Tim Elliott is smart and cares about the citizens, he would be an independent voice on the county board that has lost most of its’ independence. It’s not about a “power grab” or having complete control for Mr. Elliott. It is about doing what is right for the District and the people not yourself. Everything else is all self-serving and everyone knows, we already have enough self-serving power hungry politicians.

  • screech0000
    Posted at 13:12h, 06 February

    Normally not a big fan of Dan Cronin, but I hope his words of praise to the HLC are taken to heart by the ICCB in choosing a replacement trustee.

    Thanks, John, for reporting this.
