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March 28, 2025

College of DuPage – Trustee McGuire- Master Manipulator

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On February 14, 2016

DuPage Co. – (ECWd)

For those that don’t recall, the current ‘Breuder Board’ made up of McGuire, Birt, and Wozniak voted NO on the adoption of Robert’s Rules of order during the organizational meeting in 2015.

During their boycott escapade, she called for their own meeting with their own special agenda.  I wonder if use of her wordsmithing is why she voted NO as it relates to Robert’s Rules of Order.  Look at items #10, 11, 12, and 13. (See Agenda here)

What she was attempting, with the particular wording, shows us what she is really about.  It’s not about open and transparent business, but rather manipulation and wordsmithing to accomplish her end game.

In this case, she wanted law firms terminated, even if it means violating adopted rules of procedure.  Using the terminology of “Approve to continue” is her way of terminating those firms because she knows the motion would never get a majority vote, thus in her demented mind the motion fails, thus they can no longer continue their services.

Nothing could be further from the truth!

Each of the items referenced are previously adopted actions.  The only legal way to change those previously adopted items is to Rescind or Amend.

One only need to have read Robert’s Rule of Order to understand the most basic procedural process public bodies are routinely faced with.  However, in our research, it has become clear none of this ‘Breuder Board’ team have a clue what Robert’s Rules of Order says, especially McGuire.

Rule #35

The assembly can change an action previously taken or ordered.  Rescind – also known as Repeal or Annul – is the motion by which a previous action or order can be canceled or countermanded.  The effect of Rescind is to strike out an entire main motion, resolution, order, or rule that has been adopted at some previous time.  Amend something Previously Adopted is the motion that can be used if it is desired to change only part of the text, or to substitute a different version.

So as you can see, the slick trick of playing fast and loose with procedural rules has once again proven to expose Dianne McGuire as the manipulator she truly is, not to mention exposing her inability to comprehend Robert’s Rules of Order.  She is a master of drama, misrepresentations, and out right fabrications, yet she wanted to be Chairman.

Anyone who can’t even follow or understand the most basic principals of procedural acumen has no business as Chairman of the College of DuPage.  Not only does she have no business as chair, she needs to be removed from office.

Each and every fabricated issue with her is never the end. Complaining about Hamilton, and now that she is gone, she complains about Mozzachi.  In fact, all her complaining about Robling still is not enough even after he resigned.  Her agendas reflected her desire to ratify a termination that never happen.

Looking back on all the boycotting, and grandstanding demanding that ICCB must make the appointment to fill the vacancy, is now just another corrupted process to her, even though she called for it.  It is corrupted unless it goes the way she wants.

It is time, once again, for the citizens to attend every meeting and continue to push back against the ‘Breuder Board’s’ childish games  of manipulation and fabrications.  They are not fooling anyone but themselves and those they wish to protect.

I suspect the Higher Learning Commission is finally starting to see what this woman really represents, her own personal mission to garner headlines for herself, all at the cost of the Community College.

And she actually has the audacity to claim the Edgar County Watchdogs are destroying the college?


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  • Mike
    Posted at 11:50h, 18 February

    So “approve to continue” violates the Roberts Rules of Orders under which the COD Board is operating and thus should not have been an agenda item.

    And the agenda above is for the January 14, 2016 7PM COD Special Board meeting called by the Breuder Board McGuire Birt Wozniak faction, which those three cancelled.

    Due in part they claim because after they scheduled that meeting, the Reform Board of Mazzochi Napolitano Bernstein scheduled another Special Board meeting for 6:30PM the same day, which those three and those three only attended.

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 17:44h, 19 February

      Mike the Breuder Board had this same agenda as did the reform board in their effort to please them. The fact is, the way it was presented on the Agenda by McGuire and her cronies, it violated Roberts Rules.

  • Naperville resident
    Posted at 10:44h, 15 February

    Also remember – the new Naperville City Council also voted to change their rules. Said the old rules were “too complicated”.

  • Welsh Girl
    Posted at 16:36h, 14 February

    You may be giving her too much credit? She’s more of a puppet, lip-syncing words from the likes of Corey Atkinson.
