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March 11, 2025

College of DuPage – Scratch my back I’ll scratch yours

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On February 14, 2016

Dupage Co. (ECWd) –

In less than a few hours after publishing this article regarding the illegal contract Tom Glaser signed with a company named JLL, LLC., the tips are rolling in.

John Linninger was the person who signed the contract on behalf of JLL, LLC., which by the way we could not find any listing for in the Illinois Secretary of State’s database other than a listing found in Marion, Illinois, which is in the deep south of Illinois.  We also found no web-site for this company.

Turns out, Mr. Linninger is the Chairman of the Board and Team Leader for Savannah Energy Holdings.  Any guess who will serve as their CFO?  Tom Glaser, who will not only serve as CFO but it will include contract negotiations and management according to the web-site for Savannah Energy Holdings.

Yes, the guy that entered into two different contracts at COD without any board knowledge is now going to handle contract negotiations and management for Savannah Energy Holdings.

How special that Glaser signs a contract without any board approval, spends College of DuPage taxpayer funds of which COD has nothing to show for it, and now Glaser is to serve as the CFO/Contract negotiator for the company being chaired by John Linninger, the recipient of Glaser’s unauthorized contract with Jll. LLC.

Scratch my back I’ll scratch yours?

May we suggest to the criminal investigators that when a person signs a contract with someone, without any board approval, and then spends $6,000.00 of taxpayer money, they should be charged with a crime of at least theft under 720 ILCS 5/16-1(a)1 and face the sentence outlined in 5/16-1(b)(4.1)?

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GlaserPic (WinCE)


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  • jon
    Posted at 12:18h, 15 February

    How much longer will it be until the States attorney of Dupage County actually and seriously starts investigating the corruption uncovered. Even a mention or a press conference knowing something is being done would help bring some creditability to that office which seems to be dragging their feet. Maybe we need a independent investigation. The Edgar County Watch Dogs already gave them a trail to follow. All they have to do now is follow it unless they don’t want to for political reasons. If thats the case then step aside and get someone who will.

    • Sc
      Posted at 18:57h, 24 February

      This coming Monday (3/1/16) I am going to call the DuPage County States Attorney’s Office and as a citizen demand to know what if anything they are doing concerning any type of investigation into C.O.D. This has gone on far too long with more than credible evidence presented here and other places for them to ignore the problems.
      Hopefully a little pressure may spark their interest. I will report back here what they say.

      • Jon
        Posted at 19:18h, 24 February

        Let’s do one better, let’s go down and see if we can see the states attorney in person.
        I’ll bring the donuts if you bring the coffee.

  • Jon
    Posted at 08:35h, 15 February

    Without the EC watch dogs and honest hard working people who see corruption and report it, this country would be much closer to being ruined. I believe there is much more to learn about the last few years at the college. Do you think they are passing off the proceeds to higher ups? Most of the time there is one or more at the top who are also involved. The states attorney of Dupage county has a duty and must act otherwise we might start thinking that this is much deeper and that many more are involved in the many schemes to defraud the taxpayers. Let’s see how many talk and turn each other in. Once one is finally indicted, convicted and goes to prison the rest will show up looking for a deal from the prosecutor . It’s only a matter of time. My donation is on its way to the Watch Dogs of Edgar County. These are crime fighters ! Let’s support them so they continue to write and put a spot light on the ones stealing from YOU and other hard working taxpayers.

    • Sc
      Posted at 11:46h, 15 February

      For as long as I have been following this C.O.D. fiasco I have heard almost nothing from the DuPage County States Attorneys Office. Are they even doing anything about it? I know it takes time but this seems to have been going on for almost 2 years now….or longer.

  • Dave
    Posted at 19:28h, 14 February

    Geez, this reads like organized crime in Chicago

  • G. Barraclough
    Posted at 18:56h, 14 February

    And this is why a forensic audit is needed for all the ‘Breuder’ years and several years before that.

    And Bunky, this is still only the tip of the iceberg.

    • Sc
      Posted at 04:28h, 15 February

      I more than agree with the need for a “forensic” accounting of all of COD but, is this something that could be conducted by the FBI?
      As a resident and taxpayer of the district I would love nothing better than to see an FBI investigation into this school and any resultant charges brought against whoever is responsible for the many illegalities that have occurred.
