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March 28, 2025

After 5 1/2-year ban, Tom Dagley allowed back on IDOT property –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On February 11, 2016


Illinois Department of Transportation has issued a letter to Tom Dagley stating that his more than 5 1/2 – year ban on entering or being on all IDOT property is no longer in effect.

It is unclear what caused his ban from entering these facilities, but we do know that it is due to the way he treated employees of IDOT at the time.

The redactions on pages 2 and 3 of the below pdf were identified as having details of his harassment of an individual there:

(c) private information, specifically, information regarding the harassment of an individual that a reasonable person would object to being released to the public.

On February 3, 2010, IDOT issued him a letter informing him he could not enter onto IDOT property or into IDOT buildings.

This lasted until they sent a follow-up letter on September 30, 2015 telling him the 2010 letter was no longer in effect and informing him that while on IDOT property he “shall be courteous to others and not engage in disruptive behavior, horseplay, interrupting work, or impeding the work effort of others.”

I have petitioned the Attorney General’s Public Access Counselor to obtain unredacted documents.

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  • Watchdog watchet
    Posted at 18:18h, 11 February

    Wow…this reeks of pettiness and vindictiveness. ..

  • Gene
    Posted at 17:24h, 11 February

    You guys are way too dramatic. You can’t get the whole story just by digging through FOIA records trying to figure out what happened. It didn’t work for this instance and I’m wondering how many other of your stories are just your interpretation of FOIA records. Tom called the HR lady a bitch…that’s it. That’s what got him banned. Sorry if I ruined the mystery.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 19:59h, 11 February

      So stating what is stated in the public records provided is “dramatic” and “interpretation”?
      Did you even compare the public records with what we wrote?

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 08:44h, 12 February

      The real mystery is why you think a 5 1/2 year ban from IDOT buildings happened because of one incident with one word.

      • franklin
        Posted at 09:07h, 14 February

        what is interesting is why you are even looking into this

        • jmkraft
          Posted at 09:36h, 14 February

          it is public business. as public as the print newspapers writing about all the tickets issued.
