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College of DuPage – “Breuder Three” missing, Acting President Joseph Collins confused –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On January 21, 2016

College of DuPage (ECWd) –

Another monthly meeting has come and the “Breuder Three” are still actively boycotting the scheduled meetings of the Board of Trustees.

Erin Birt (an attorney), Diane McGuire (a retired teacher on a “fixed” income), and Joe Wozniak have continued to act like children and boycott another meeting.

Please remember this at the next election, 14 short months from now…

During the course of the evening, Dr. Collins, acting COD president, refused to acknowledge he had any responsibility to explain anything to the trustees that were present at the meeting. Acted as if he was going to walk out, which might be good for COD, but decided to stay. He was also confused as to whether this was an actual meeting tonight. He is still confused as to whether Mazzochi is the Chairman (even though the law says she is).

Trustee Napolitano read a prepared statement, and it is below for your reading pleasure.

It is a damning revelation on McGuire’s personal agenda, and that it is a purely personal agenda.

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  • Bob Hazard
    Posted at 13:27h, 23 January

    Be careful gentlemen, Joe is going to blame his bad behavior on you for reporting it…

  • screech0000
    Posted at 15:02h, 22 January

    Who knew that Trustee McGuire was so far gone? It looks like she has an extremely tenuous grasp on reality and is living in some fantasy world. Of course, we suspected she was a bit off when she began weaving themes of Nazi persecution in her uninterrupted 20-minute rant.

    Shame on Trustees Birt and Wosniak for supporting and fueling her fantasies. If they were truly her friends, they would see that she got some professional care to help deal with the real world.

    This will likely be her final year as trustee. She has proven so incompetent as trustee that her chances of being re-elected look impossible. Just as in 2014, a “Breuder” candidate will be easily swept aside by the voters.

    But the joke may be on us. If a Breuder stooge is named as the replacement trustee, the unthinkable could occur and McGuire could serve her final year as board chairman. How about that for a nightmare? Will the college survive?

  • John Laprise
    Posted at 09:55h, 22 January

    Sounds like McGuire is doing exactly what needs to be done to extricate COD from its losing, expensive, lawsuit-ridden HR strategy.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 19:55h, 22 January

      John Laprise, sounds like your head is up the donkey’s hind end…

      • David
        Posted at 11:24h, 23 January

        Mr. Laprise is McGuire’s apologist. He has written lies about COD Board issues on various blogs. He supports the boycott completely. He is completely wrong to promote Birt, McGuire, and Wozniak’s irresponsible behavior. Perhaps he has a relationship with Breuder and McGuire. The 3 rouge trustees’ really have zero sense of duty.

  • Mike Lanners
    Posted at 08:50h, 22 January

    Read the past board notes.. For several years the COD board has held meetings to ‘Destroy past records of meetings’ So the records my not even be there, for the state to acquire. I don’t know if this legal or not, but it would be a good reason for the three missing board members to not show up to vote on feither to supply the state with those documents.

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 22:19h, 22 January

      Mike Lanners,
      Yes, the board can vote to destroy those records. These have not been destroyed and they are available for law enforcement.

  • CC
    Posted at 22:12h, 21 January

    Dupage dems have to be so proud of their DD.
