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March 28, 2025

Lincoln-Way School District 210 – What can you do?

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On December 29, 2015

Will Co. (ECWd) –
We have published numerous articles exposing a laundry list of problems with District 210 who has managed to rack up a half a billion [yes, Billion, with a B] of bond debt while deficit spending to the tune of $37 Million since 2009.
Many comments have streamed in with a common theme of “what can we do about it“, as in, now that it is exposed what options do the taxpayers have.
It is clear a group of local residents understand our Republic and the use of the laws established.
Today those people filed a lawsuit against the Board of Education in what will prove to possibly be the first step in what many other districts need to do.
Below is the press release on the lawsuit.  We will publish a copy of the lawsuit shortly.
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Please consider a donation.
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  • Marge Eaheart
    Posted at 22:59h, 30 December

    We have lived here for over 40 years. We have grandchildren in the school system. I agree that something needs to be done about this school problem. Why are they putting so many students in one school? Soon everyone will be asked to float a referendum so improvements can be done to one of the oldest (and most expensive) buildings, adding insult to this situation. I applaud those who are giving their time to do something about this impossible situation. If someone is found to be less than honest about this problem, this should be discovered sooner than later.

  • Dianna Ingram
    Posted at 12:31h, 30 December

    You guys only post what you feel like posting. This is not gonna work. Majority of taxpayers are upset about this lawsuit. Takes real arrogance to ask for donations. Only North parents are upset. Grow up !

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 13:26h, 30 December

      Dianna Ingram,
      We have a donation banner on our main page and at the bottom of every article now. It is not arrogant to ask for donations. We are a non profit and do our best to bring local government news to the communities. Your claim we only post what we feel like posting please realize this is our site and we post the facts we have. If you dont like them, tough. If you have facts to present then do so and they will get posted.

  • Jim
    Posted at 22:09h, 29 December

    thank you all for the time and effort that you are all putting in..

  • Chris M. Gaines
    Posted at 18:33h, 29 December

    Thank you for taking action! It’s about time someone filed suit against those responsible for this. Why didn’t they take action sooner rather than later is the question. Why was this allowed to go on so long and nobody was able to identify the problems and fix it sooner. Where did all the money go, to who? Follow the money. Anyways…good luck winning this case. Happy New Year!

  • Ann
    Posted at 12:46h, 29 December

    I’m sure I speak for many people in this community that want to thank you for taking this on.

  • Sick of the LIES
    Posted at 12:15h, 29 December

