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March 28, 2025

College of DuPage Trustees Birt, McGuire and Wozniak Boycott Trophy Presentation to Students –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On December 18, 2015

College of DuPage (ECWd) –
Three disgruntled Trustees of the College of DuPage decided it would be a good idea to act like little babies and boycott the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees for personal and political gain.
Diane McGuire thinks Hell will freeze over and she will be elected as the Chairman. This stunt of placing herself ahead of students, parents, staff, fellow trustees, and the public who suffered thru freezing temperatures to attend the meeting, solidifies the need for her to resign while the college is still in operation.
The Public Community Colleges Act gives clear guidance to situations where the Chairman is absent. The vice-chair, Trustee Mazzocci, act in the Chairman’s absence.

(110 ILCS 805/3-10) (from Ch. 122, par. 103-10)
    Sec. 3-10. The chairman shall preside at all meetings and shall perform such duties as are imposed upon him by law or by action of the board. The vice-chairman shall serve in the chairman's absence. If the chairman and vice-chairman are absent from any meeting or refuse to perform their duties, a chairman pro tempore shall be appointed by the board from among their number.

Section 3-10 is the enabling Section for the Chairman. It give authority for the Chairman to preside at all meetings AND gives the chairman the authority to act on behalf of the Board or in accordance with law. When the chairman is absent, the vice-chair serves in chairman’s place – and not just at meetings.
It says nothing about holding a new organizational meeting to vote for a new chairman, and in the absence of clear statutory authority (Dillon’s Rule), a new organizational meeting cannot occur.
Erin Birt, Diane McGuire, and Joseph Wozniak decided to place political and personal ambition above the voters, residents, staff, and most important, the students and their parents.
What a shameful display this was.
The football team was presented a trophy, other awards were given, and a scholarship was presented.
Chairman Mazzocci apologized on behalf of the College of DuPage for the childish behavior of Birt, McGuire, and Wozniak, unbecoming of an adult, and of elected Trustees.
Oh, on a side-note, you get to vote for Birt and McGuire’s replacements in 15 short fun-filled months. We will certainly revisit these and other events to refresh your memories.

COD-Boycott (Medium)

Erin Birt, Joseph Wozniak, Diane McGuire



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  • CC
    Posted at 21:30h, 18 December

    Shirking their responsibilities to every single sub-group of their constituents, abandoning their jobs, showing the utmost disrespect for the student body…..Recalls sound appropriate.

    • screech0000
      Posted at 14:44h, 19 December

      These three pieces of excess trustee baggage are indeed worthy of recall. I’m not certain how to initiate a recall or if such an attempt would be feasible. Certainly, the letter which Wozniak and the others signed stating their intent to boycott future board meetings would be damning evidence. They show little concern for the HLC probation of COD (which they helped cause) and instead cause further harm to the college by blocking the approval of new expenditures.

  • David
    Posted at 09:14h, 18 December

    It appears that Wozniak, Birt, & McGuire has no intention on attending anymore meetings until possibly the new Organizational meeting in April 2016, when new officers are selected. Since the Board of Trustees will not select a new trustee, the Illinois Community College will be left with that task. The new trustees vote is critical since there a two 3 vote blocks – none having a majority. It will also be interested to see if Wozniak, Birt, & McGuire bring a lawsuit against COD and if they want COD to pay for their lawsuit. Fun times ahead. Can the three rebel trustess Wozniak, Birt, & McGuire be recalled by the citizens?

    • Pat
      Posted at 15:22h, 18 December

      These Board members did not boycott a trophy presentation, they boycotted the entire meeting. No one “…suffered through freezing temperatures to attend…” on this typical Dec evening. The team and scholarship winner were not awarded their trophy and scholarship last night. The coach was there to tell of the football teams bowl game trip. The scholarship winner was congratulated.
      You have many valid points but please don’t sensational for the sake of drama. Your inaccurate reporting affects your general credibility on important issues.

      • jmkraft
        Posted at 19:29h, 18 December

        At about the 1:03:40 mark in the audio of the meeting, the Vice-President of Academic Affairs presented the Football “El Toro” Bowl trip Runner-Up Trophy and El Toro Program. They showed a PowerPoint presentation meant for the entire board, only half of them didn’t care enough to show up.
        The 2015 Dr. Pepper Scholar was present and congratulated for winning her $100,000 Dr. Pepper Scholarship. Her parents were there, and all were disappointed that half the board did not care enough to show up and share their happiness.
        It was below the 32 degree freezing temperature that night, at least when I checked the temp while leaving the parking lot.
        By boycotting the entire meeting, by default, they boycotted every individual part of that meeting.
