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October 19, 2024

College of DuPage – Another local media failure

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On December 24, 2015

DuPage Co. (ECWd) –
Just as we have done in the past we will continue to point out the misinformation and outright bias reporting with certain local media outlets.
This article is once again pointed towards the Editorial on COD published by the Daily Herald.  We will agree that there are several correct assertions however they once again show bias and failings in an ability to understand the most basic principals of law.

“In between, there were (let’s see if we can keep it all straight) confrontations to try to block the old-guard faction from full access to the legal bills”

Factually not true.  Although McGuire and Birt make those claims they have been called out publicly by other board members claiming no such thing happen.

“full-scale confusion over whether Mazzochi is now board chairwoman”

Factually not true.  Anyone with the ability to read and comprehend can understand what both the law and board policy says regarding who fills the chairman (chairwoman for those concerned with pc) position.
COD Board policy 5-55
Election of Officers :

The Board of Trustees will annually elect or appoint a Chair, Vice -Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer at its annual organizational meeting. The Board will elect from its membership a Chair and Vice chair.

 Does Anyone find the meaning of annual, used twice in that paragraph, confusing?
Duties of the Vice Chair;
 The duties of the Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees shall include the following:
1. Serve as Chair in the Chair’s absence
2. Perform such other duties as prescribed by law or by Board action.
The vice-chairman shall serve in the chairman’s absence.
Does anyone not understand the meaning of shall serve in the Chairman’s absence? 
“calls to fire the Hamilton hires and hangers-on”
The three boycotting trustees have called for action on several law firms, however, one of the three they are trying to fire was hired by Robert Breuder.  My question to John Lampinen of the Daily Herald: Will you tell your readers what your relationship with Robert Breuder is?  Is it true you are close friends? Have you or do you still socialize with Breuder?
The fact of the matter is all of the hiring that has taken place since the election was done by our Constitutional form of government, and included a majority vote by those duly elected.  The continued singling out of former Chair Hamilton as ‘the’ person who hired anyone appears to be nothing more than a way to get another shot at her in the paper.
“revelations that Hamilton and her faction of “reformers” have rung up more than $3.35 million in legal and financial consulting bills in little more than a half year.”
Factually not true.  Once again a complete disregard to the fact there were legal bills being racked up because of subpoenas from the FBI and State’s Attorney well before the election.  It also fails to acknowledge there would be legal bills for many of the day to day operations, regardless of the illegal activity under investigation.

The quotation marks around the word ‘reformers’ appears to be an insinuation to mean they are not.  Sadly for this paper they still can’t accept the fact the public has had it with the old way of doing things at COD, and those elected are in fact reforming things at COD for the benefit of the taxpayer, students, and faculty.

“It ought to be a first point to accept and acknowledge that every trustee is owed the full access to documents that — until last spring — they’ve always had. Let’s put the favoritism nonsense away.”

Interesting they have this position now, yet were silent when Hamilton was demanding access to the Imprest payments over a year ago.  You know, the $90 plus million no one was getting to see.
So to claim the trustees have always had that acess until last spring is simply not true.  During Hamilton’s demands for information it was clear favoritism played a role against her.  How ironic that now the Editorial board ignores the past.

“The old-guard boycott is, we think, inadvisable public relations and potentially harmful to the college’s day-to-day operations, but keeping emotions and imagery out of it for the moment, it must be acknowledged that the strategy is a response to a significant grievance”

I challenge the local paper to provide factual documentation to support their claim the three law breakers, McGuire, Birt, and Wozniak, have a significant grievance.  The fact of the matter is the election removed their power, fine dining, and all expense paid trips in conjunction with their vacations.  How ironic the Editorial points to the old-guard’s actions as a strategy when in fact an elected official who refuses to do their duties is committing a crime.

“Under Hamilton, these opposition trustees weren’t treated fairly or given the access to information and the agenda that is obligated to every board member.”

Says who?  With What Proof? 

Each and every time the three boycotting trustees claimed they were not given access to information they have been called out in public during meetings and they sat silent because they know the fact is they were provided what ever they asked for.   The false narrative that access was denied is a dead horse.

“Mazzochi has called for an atmosphere of civility, and we echo that call and take her at her word. She and her allies must help lead the board in that direction by making a real commitment to fair and equal access for all.”

Once again, another false narrative floated into the comment.  The call for a real commitment to fair and equal access for all leads people to believe things have not been fair or equal, which is not true.  Floating that kind of a statement is like asking the Editorial Board when did they stop beating their spouse.

“All it takes is a willingness on both sides to work together even despite differences.”

How special for the Daily Herald to take this position.  Although we agree, we must ask, when board members refuse to attend a meeting why were they not called out for their clear violation of the law?  The willingness must come from those unwilling to perform their duties  unless they get what they want.  That is not working together, but we understand exposing such truth doesn’t fit the narrative to bash the trustees elected in the spring.



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  • CC
    Posted at 15:09h, 28 December

    Speaking of local media failures, what is the latest report or status on SLEA? Are the numbers available for how much Dist. 502 taxpayers are still paying out on that fraud? Happy new year. I got my FOID card and I want to go shoot at our new shooting range.

  • Chris M. Gaines
    Posted at 18:42h, 25 December

     An truly honest man… has no friends! Despite our culture teaching children that honesty is a virtue, most of us lie all the time everyday about everything. Mostly to keep from hurting the feelings of those people we love and to protect ourselves. A truly honest person could never ascend to a position of power or business that is so full of competition from liers and dishonest people. Merry Christmas.
