Clark Co. (ECWd) –
Lisa N. Thomas, a Clark County resident filed a pro se thirteen-count Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) law suit against the Clark County Park District.
After numerous FOIA requests for public records not being complied with in accordance with the Act, the local citizen had finally had enough and took action to enforce the law.
As you can read from the complaint, 2015-MR-32, it is clear the Director of the Park District, Charity Murphy, is once again failing miserably at doing her job.
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Lisa "Nickie" Thomas
Posted at 21:14h, 07 DecemberI’ve gotta tell you all. It’s not been any easy decision to sue the park until now. So many times I could have filed, and just let it go thinking I don’t want to cost the park money. Then I finally realized my rights are being trampled, and it’s not my fault that records are being withheld. When, like myself, you can’t even get meeting minutes within 5 days, there is a snafu. And in my opinion taking into account past experience it is WILLFUL and DONE IN BAD FAITH. My fiancee is a BOARD MEMBER. What do you want to bet he will be retaliated against for my decision to fully exercise my own rights?
Posted at 15:41h, 07 DecemberI don’t know you personally Lisa, but you go girl! Just keep an eye in your back mirror & keep a daily diary of when and where you are from day to day. My best advise when fighting politicians of any kind. Keep record/names of witness’s too! You could be falsely accused of doing something you didn’t do, in retaliation! And I’m not joking. I’ve witnessed people falsely accused & sentenced illegally in the past. Don’t make the mistake of thinking it doesn’t happen. Better safe than sorry! Best wishes!
Lisa "Nickie" Thomas
Posted at 17:22h, 07 DecemberI keep my gun close Sue! I’m usually around others who can vouch for my whereabouts. I will not shrink away in fear of these people. And I’m not saying I have been threatened in any way….but I’m sure it’s coming….I appreciate your concerns and thanks for the kudos!
Dave L.
Posted at 14:28h, 07 DecemberDamn………kill them with kindness, and when that doesn’t work drown them in paperwork!!
Lisa "Nickie" Thomas
Posted at 14:54h, 07 DecemberYou should see the pile of 91 exhibits.
Posted at 12:41h, 07 DecemberYou go Ms Thomas, you are a true American! Remind the park board they work for you and you will NOT be subjugated by arrogant dictatorial public servants who think what they do is none of your business!
The only people who don’t want to disclose the facts are people with something to hide.