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March 28, 2025

U46 – When the government fears the people……

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On November 3, 2015

Kane Co. (ECWd)

“When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”

In a Previous Article we shared the events of how a citizen can exercise their constitutionally protected rights, we called the police because of a crime being committed. 

That matter was over several Open meeting Act violations that we exposed in this article, which appears to be an admission they were wrong and we were right.

Last night we attended the U46 meeting, and once again, the Police were called.

No, it was not us who called them this time.  Now, according to John Heiderscheidt, the School District Safety Coordinator, he had to spend $68.00 an hour to have an Elgin Police officer present.

Why did they need the police?

According to Heiderscheidt, board members feared physician harm based on our actions at the last meeting in which we called the police.

Let that sink in for a minute! 

We called the police on them so now they fear physical harm from us?

Does anyone believe for a second that people who call the police to a crime are in fact the ones to be afraid of?  If we had any notion of causing harm why on earth would we be the ones calling the police?

As if that is not crazy enough, the police officer that was present was not aware of who we were and when asked if he was their because of John and I, his response was NO.  However Heiderscheidt immediately affirmed that yes, he was there because of us.

May we suggest U46 get a new Safety Coordinator?

If we were the reason a police officer was needed then let us point out some clear failures on behalf of the former police officer, now Safety Coordinator.

  • When you believe you have a reason to fear two people, it might be wise to let the police officer you asked for know who it is your afraid of so that they can keep an eye on them.  
  • When you have board members that claim they are afraid of two people and you believe you need the police to be present to protect them, you might think about having him in the same room during the meeting, not down the hall and around the corner sitting in the lobby entrance.

It was evident by our interaction with the Police Officer he had no clue that we were the reason he was there and his interaction with us was frankly awesome.  He was a great officer with a very positive attitude and it was clear he knew we were not a threat.
In fact, even the Safety Coordinator finally admitted he did not believe we were a threat but defaulted to the Board members  believing we were, thus the reason for the police presence. What is still unclear is who’s idea it was to have en Elgin Police Officer in the building? The school board or the school CEO?
“When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”

Need I say anymore?



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  • homer
    Posted at 13:23h, 03 November

    I dont know but maybe they felt that there is still a lot of Marty Feldman eyes out there and something might happen .

  • Art Pierscionek
    Posted at 12:38h, 03 November

    You guys were awesome again last night, thanks for your help. I will assume you will be doing a FOIA to find out exactly what board members requested the police.
