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March 28, 2025

U-46 – Attorney General looking into alleged Open Meetings Violations –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On November 4, 2015

Elgin, IL. (ECWd) –
As you can see in the AG’s letter to U-46 (below), they have determined my request for them to review the actions of U46 school board on October 18, 2015 needs further review so they can issue a determination on whether or not the board violated the Open Meetings Act.
It will be interesting to read the board’s response to the Attorney General, which they must provide within seven days. We will then have the chance to respond to their response.
This is only one avenue that may be used when a public body has allegedly violated the act, there are others, including, – file a “Request for Review” with the Public Access Counselor of the Attorney General’s Office, ask the State’s Attorney to prosecute the allegations, make a citizen’s arrest as permitted in the Illinois Criminal Code and then the State’s Attorney can determine what to do with it, or, finally, file a civil suit in the Circuit Court of Kane County.

My Request for Review to the Attorney General’s Public Access Counselor:

[documentcloud url=”” pdf=false container=”#DV-viewer-2504541-oma-rfr-u46″]

Attorney General’s PAC Letter to U-46:

[documentcloud url=”” pdf=false container=”#DV-viewer-2504538-38024-fi-let”]


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