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February 23, 2025

Illinois Comptroller Rejects Clark County Park District's Audit –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On November 4, 2015

Clark Co., IL. (ECWd) –
Knowing there have been major concerns about financial accountability at the Clark County Park District for close to a year now, we have been keeping a close eye on any reports submitted.
Monthly reporting at board meetings has been inaccurate, finance committee members stating “let’s just add income to make it show a break-even budget“, and now it appears the Illinois Comptroller’s Office has observed incomplete reporting in their annual audit.
I received an audit rejection letter thru the Media Relations Department of the Comptroller’s office this morning that noted a major flaw that would “significantly impact the validity of [the District’s] financial statements“.
According to the rejection letter, the Park District must complete a Corrective Action Plan and an anticipated schedule of completing that plan, and provide both to the Comptroller’s office within 60 days of the date of the letter, which was dated October 29, 2015.
Ironically, it has been reported to us that several FOIA requests for the completed audit were answered by the Park District with “no records” available, which would mean that the auditor, Sackrider and Company, has not provided a copy to the Park District yet, even though it is on the Comptroller’s website.
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  • Susie
    Posted at 09:27h, 05 November

    “Honorable” Joe Ewing-That gave me my daily Belly Laugh

    • Fed Up Citizen
      Posted at 11:00h, 05 November

      see next article that proves how honorable he really is!
