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March 28, 2025

DuPage Co. Board Member votes "NO" on County Budget –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On November 24, 2015

DuPage Co., IL. (ECWd) –
DuPage County Board Member, Elizabeth Chaplin, voted “NO” on the 2016 County Budget; She explains her vote below:

“No” Vote on the 2016 DuPage County Budget

Today I voted “No” on the 2016 DuPage County Budget.
I voted “No” because the taxpayers are paying $5800 a year for car stipends for the DuPage County Chairman, Clerk, The Circuit Clerk, Treasurer, Recorder of Deeds, Auditor, Coroner and the Regional Superintendent of Schools.
I voted “No” because we have too many lobbyists.
I voted “No” because we handed our lobbyists no bid contracts.
I voted ” No” because although we budget for part time and temporary employees year after year, the head count does not include these two groups.
I voted “No” because I could find no evidence of any meetings of the Working Group. The chairman formed the Working Group in 2013 to examine if savings could be found between the Election Commission and the Clerks Office.
I voted “No” because the tax payers are paying for an Election Commission they do not need.
I voted “No” today because I took the time to send questions to the chairman only to receive a scathing response that included no answers.
You can read my budget questions along with the chairman’s response (CLICK HERE).


Elizabeth Chapman – DuPage County Board



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  • Philo Beddoe
    Posted at 07:04h, 25 November

    Looks like you guys are going to be in DuPage county for a bit longer.

  • Fred
    Posted at 03:20h, 25 November

    She asks great questions and all members should also be concerned … However these pigs that feed from the trough of the taxpayer seem to think that the money never ends just like the federal government … I admire people like her and also the watchdogs but these lowlifes in government twist and turn and mis inform to the point of eventually making all these people look like they’re the problem instead of the solution … They have dumbed down the population to the point of being successful at this practice … I see and hear people demonizing Trump and Carson as they run for president but to me they are the only logical choice because democrat or republican puppets running against them are you just voting for the same career lowlife politician that are controlled by their party …
