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March 28, 2025

College of DuPage – More Proof of Favored Status for Foundation Board Member?

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On November 17, 2015

DuPage Co. (ECWd) –
What may become a very interesting turn for the ongoing investigation of Herricane Graphics is information obtained today during other research pertaining to COD.
June 22, 2009, the agenda reflects the awarding of a contract under item 9B5(c) KMA Signage Contract – Award to KMA Design of Canonsburg, PA in the amount of $228,251.50
Signage contract?  I thought Hurricane Graphics dominated that field at COD?  In fact, most were under the impression that all the signs you see around campus at COD were the work of Herricane Graphics.

However, now we find that another firm takes claim to much of that work! 

KMA Design shows numerous signs, both indoor and outdoor as part of their portfolio of work at Educational institutions. (Click here for direct link)
Of major importance is to find that the process used for Herricane Graphics was one of total avoidance of an RFP or bidding, unlike that for KMA Design.
COD claimed Herrican Graphics was a Professional Service provider and not subject to bidding.
If that is the case, how is it that KMA was not provided the same treatment?   KMA actually had to submit an RFP and go through an evaluation process.    (Board Approval Document here)
Considering  both companies were awarded signage contracts how can anyone not see favored treatment towards the Foundation Board Member, Carla Burkhart, of Herricane Graphics?
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