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March 28, 2025

US Justice Dept. looking at Wind Power Bribery and Corruption…

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On October 1, 2015

A few months ago, we reported on what we called bribing public officials, with promises of financial “donations” should they sign agreements that basically forced them and future board members into speaking in favor of Wind Farms and never speaking or acting against them.
Our previous hard-hitting article entitled Mt. Pulaski CUSD-23 School Board selling its soul to Meridien and Relight Wind Farms drew large reader volume and exposed for the first time in Illinois the fact that Wind Companies were using a bribery tactic to force supporting testimony in front of unwary Zoning Boards across this state. This was under the guise of a Project Support Agreement“.
We called it bribery at the time, and still believe it to be bribery.
We call on concerned citizens to demand their local prosecutors to investigate the “support agreements” and prosecute the offenders if they believe it to be bribery. Is this really any different than offering millions of dollars in “donations” for approval of any other zoning question?
Money for support – Pay-to-Play – Bribery – However you want to frame the argument, the result is the same. Please read the linked article below:

US Justice Dept Takes on Wind Power Outfits’ Bribery & Corruption

Lies, treachery and deceit are the hallmarks of the wind industry – fraud of all manner of descriptions is de rigueur for wind power outfits; and whether it’s bribery and fraud; vote rigging scandals; tax fraud; investor fraud or REC fraudcrooks and corruption rule.
These boys are the grand masters of fleecing customers and shareholders; and hood-winking rural communities alike – see our posts here and here and here.
Bribery is standard practice; deployed to get unwilling locals and venal council members on-side:

UK Wind Industry Turns to Bribery as it Fails to “Win Brit’s Hearts & Minds”

However, as anger turns to fury, not only are rural communities refusing to be bought off with trinkets and blankets, they’ve called the wind industry’s efforts to ‘grease’ the wheels of…continue reading (here).
TurbineInFlames (WinCE)


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