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March 28, 2025

InvEnergy Insults Intelligence of Livingston County Board in Wind Farm Appeal –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On October 18, 2015

Livingston Co., IL. (ECWd) –
Invenergy has appealed the Livingston County Board’s denial of their Special Use Permit.
In the appeal, Invenergy denies any negative impacts on real estate,  claim they operate within the noise limits, and claim the Board didn’t read the documents given to them.
The comedy starts on Page 8 of the below pdf, and include references that Marty Flannin changed his mind when under pressure form those who don’t want it – like that somehow reverses the outcome of the votes?
Blazer kicks it up a notch on page 10. Invenergy seems to think you can’t vote on anything if you belong to a certain political affiliation, operate a non-profit, attend a protest, or happen to be in the same city at the same time as any organization funded by the Koch Brothers.
Diane Benjamin’s got a mention, but they left out Ted Hartke, their most vocal opponent.

Carolyn Gerwin looks to be the one Mike Blazer blames for his problems.  That’s the trouble with trying to hurt more people with wind turbines.  People find out and vote “no.”

There will be those who stand up for what is good and right.  I am surprised that Blazer did not put “Ted Hartke” in this document.  InvEnergy (Blazer) dug their own grave in this case…….because of their refusal to correct terrible problems they have caused elsewhere.

Blazer also tries to blame Marty Fannin for clarifying his vote and also Gerwin for having the right position on this in the first place.

For good measure when all else fails, Blazer and Invenergy think they can win by blaming of “Tea Party” and “Koch Brothers” who have absolutely nothing to lose or gain by the Livingston County Board decision.

I’m curious as to if any people speaking in favor of Invenergy were under contract to speak in favor of these wind turbines…

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  • John
    Posted at 07:16h, 22 January

    Invenergy is NOT the good neighbor that they claim to be. In Jessup, Pennsylvania they stopped legal actions on the zoning change with a threat of 4.9 million per month against he appellants.
    PRESS RELEASE: January 19, 2016
    The Appellants of Citizens for a Healthy Jessup have come to the heart-wrenching conclusion that the two (2) pending Zoning Appeals against the Borough of Jessup and the Lackawanna Energy Center are to be withdrawn. While we hold our truth that our case was solid and strong and the Appeals were not frivolous, a recent Petition for an Appeal Bond and Sanctions filed against the Appellants by the Lackawanna Energy Center required each Appellant to make a very tough decision. This Petition which included the possibility of having to pay sanctions and attorney’s fees incurred by Invenergy could have cost the Appellants hundreds of thousands of dollars including liens on their homes. The recent actions of certain Jessup Council Members and the political climate of Lackawanna County were major factors in our decision making. We as a group shall continue to enhance the community and place pressure on those individuals and the Borough of Jessup Administration who would sell us short on a Host Agreement. While we do not favor this plant and do not believe the zoning change was legal, the reality of going against a multi-million dollar corporation and millionaire landowner with zero help from any of our elected officials, both Federal and State, along with the dire state of politics and news media in Lackawanna County, was far too great a burden on the Appellants and their property.

  • jannie
    Posted at 11:33h, 20 October

    As far as the labor union, I don’t know, however most of the work done is by large contractors from other states as only a few have the machines, labor, etc to do this work. Locally, I believe there is little local jobs created. And, after construction, most can’t even tell you what jobs are created – take Stepenson County – no one there really knew what jobs were local.
    I don’t belong to the Tea Party – Am not Republican – and think these wind projects are a big waste of money – and will cost us all in the future – with higher energy bills!

  • Bring in the Wind Farms!
    Posted at 20:44h, 18 October

    I am a member of Laborers Union 996. I was never told once that “I had to be there”, I am a resident of Livingston County and see that the Land Fill money will dry up in the future and we need to get more revenue coming in. I have seen how PC school system is broke. This Wind Farm would of helped put them in the black. Our county will need this tax revenue coming in as well or when the land fill money does go away, they will be coming to us to make up what they have been spending and do not have it coming in.

    • caseih 2388
      Posted at 21:55h, 18 October

      To try to educate you concerning school funding, the state takes away from the state aid payments to schools an amount equal to the tax increase from the wind farms. Please stop using that to promote your cause. The Milford/Sheldon school system is in worse shape financially than ever after the wind farm taxes started to flow. And I find it extremely selfish of you to want a year or less of employment at the expense of the local residents of the wind farm having to spend the rest of their lives suffering sleep deprivation, a serious health hazard. And don’t tell me it isn’t a proven problem. I live it every day. I know what a problem it is.

  • Wind Warrior
    Posted at 19:46h, 18 October

    Oh yes, those in favor were paid. So were the students Invenergy recruited from the Illinois Renewable conference at ISU the same day of the vote. Union members were told they had to attend as well. Only 8-10 actual participants have been in attendance of all the hearings and votes on this project during the past 15 months. Most want out of their contracts.
