Clark Co., IL. (ECWd) –
During the last Marshall City Council meeting, Mayor Sanders stated that Illinois Department of Transportation and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources had sent the city a letter stating they cannot pay their utility bills until a budget is passed.
IDNR is current, but IDOT is 60 and 90 days behind in their utility payments for the I-70 Rest Area and the IDOT State Garage Building in Clark County.
Mayor Sanders suggested sending them a shut-off notice, and I agree.
If ordinary citizens can’t go 60 and 90 + days without getting shut-off, the State shouldn’t be allowed to either.
I say shut it off sooner, rather than later.

Posted at 00:49h, 08 NovemberWho and where are you sending the disconnect notices too? Hand deliver the notice to Springfield not Idot or the rest area they are paid by the state Government. Typical scenario punish the the laborers not the politicians. Big Thanks too Mayor of Marshall punish the workers and not the correct people Protect the rich and HANG the Poor!
Posted at 08:38h, 08 NovemberDavid, That’s like saying “Why did you disconnect that mother for not paying her electric bill? Do you hate children? Why must her children be punished because she chose to drink her money away instead of paying her electric bill?”
What a plan
Posted at 16:04h, 17 OctoberThat maybe a good plan. However for the people who need to use the rest area at night it may be an issue of safety. We can get snow before the state settles the issue of a budget. Again people’s safety may be an issue if IDOT loses power at the garage. Bad situation, but cutting pewer may not be a great solution.