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March 28, 2025

College of DuPage – Trustees to vote on Dr. Breuder termination

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On October 16, 2015

DuPage Co. (ECWd)

The COD Board of Trustees have called a special meeting for Tuesday night – 6pm, October 20th, 2015, in which one of the agenda items is “RESOLUTION TO TERMINATE THE EMPLOYMENT OF THE COLLEGE PRESIDENT”

This board took action September 17th to void his contracts based on case law, ironically, founded right here in Edgar County. (Click here to review Supreme Court Case Millikin v Edgar County)

We have called for his termination for cause for over a year based on all of the unauthorized spending of tax payer funds for his personal gain as well as questions surrounding the legality of his contract based on many aspects of it being done in secret meetings without any vote of the board.

By all indications from the Board Packet, they have done their homework and built a substantial justification for his termination.  In fact, many of the very items we exposed are key points in the termination justification to include electioneering in the 2010 Bond referendum and the 2015 Trustee election.

Item number 1 should be a matter of grave concern for Breuder as if it means what I think, he may well could be facing obstruction of justice charges.

In light of a laundry list of improper spending that includes hundreds of thousands of dollars of fine dining and drinking at the now closed Waterleaf Restaurant, thousands in hotel stays on campus, membership to Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation, which by all indications was nothing more than his private hunt club, to misrepresentation of enrollment numbers that boosted funding from the state, Breuder’s reign appears to be coming to an end.

Many have speculated for months that if this action takes place the College can expect a lawsuit from Breuder.  In light of the criminal investigations going on and the substantial list of wrongdoing we suspect such civil suit will not see the light of day.  If it does, the Board has already set aside a substantial amount to cover such costs.

It should be noted that in the event Breuder is charged and convicted of any crimes the College may be able to recover a substantial amount of money from their insurance provider.  Recovery through that process however is dependent on convictions which by all indications are going to take some time, assuming they happen at all.

This is going to be another one of those meetings where I think as many people as possible should attend and voice their opinion on this particular vote.

I suspect we will once again see Erin Birt missing from this meeting as it appears to be a pattern with her.   Regardless, we believe this matter will pass with a simple majority of 4 members and a slim chance that McGuire, Wozniak, and Birt would support it.  My bet’s on them voting no on this issue.

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  • Bill G
    Posted at 17:27h, 16 October

    Kirk, thanks for your creativity, diligence and perseverance in this matter. One person can make a difference! Regards, Bill Graham, County tax payer since 1988.

  • Linus C. Hand
    Posted at 17:27h, 16 October

    Higher Learning Commission report notes:
    Finally, during the team’s interview with the Board, it was reported to the
    team that the Board felt faculty relations between the College and the
    faculty were good. However, the faculty asserted that even with the
    President on administrative leave, the “next level down in the hierarchy”
    have not addressed concerns faculty raised in the vote of no confidence
    (dicsussed earlier in this report). In fact, the faculty complained that
    practices involving “bullying and corruption” continued. During the open
    faculty interview, the faculty as a whole felt they were the “B-team.” This
    particular issue was noted by a visiting team in 2007. Yet, it does not
    appear that circumstances have improved since that time. In fact, the
    vote of “no confidence” indicates that matters involving the faculty
    continued to deteriorate. This is consistent with faculty comments
    regarding the lack of a true shared governance structure.
    Actually, the HLC team in 2007 was given a shitload of documentation surrounding corruption on campus and the HLC “misplaced” the documents. What did HLC know and when, and why did they fail to take action? Maybe had they acted in good faith, Breuder never would have set foot on this campus.

  • Mary Jo Barbosa
    Posted at 16:26h, 16 October

    It took less time to get rid of Barbata Byrd Bennet at the CPS and she “stole” millions from the school children in Chicago with an end of carrer sweeftheart deal to boot. Time to get cracking on this thief.

    • Mary Jo Barbosa
      Posted at 18:57h, 16 October

      Sorry for the typos. I did get a better education than shows

  • Diane Sroka Benjamin
    Posted at 15:50h, 16 October

    Diane Sroka Benjamin liked this on Facebook.
