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March 28, 2025

Cahokia, IL. Mayor sends out factually inaccurate Press Release –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On October 28, 2015

Cahokia, IL. (ECWd) –
The Mayor of Cahokia, IL., Mr. Curtis McCall, Jr., sent out a Press Release concerning his illegal use of force at the City Council meeting last night (video in previous article).
The Press Release was factually inaccurate.
McCall states the Open Meetings Act “strictly prohibits” open discussions of personnel issues.
Section 2(c) of the Act only “authorizes” closed sessions for that reason, but never requires it.

"c) Exceptions. A public body may hold closed meetings to consider the following subjects..."

In fact, Section 2(b) specifically states:

"...The exceptions authorize but do not require the holding of a closed meeting to discuss a subject included within an enumerated exception."

Other parts of the Press Release are factually incorrect, like him asking the citizen on several occasions to take her seat and remain quiet. Did he forget there was video of the meeting and it is posted online?
The Board Member was not disruptive, at least no more disruptive than the board member on the far left, who was allowed to run her mouth without interruption by the Mayor.
What does it say about a Mayor that has to have two police officers standing behind him, and at least two more in the audience during City Council Meetings? What is he afraid of, and what is he trying to hide?
I would hope their Attorney, Robert Sprague, did not advise the Mayor on these misleading statements.
Read the factually inaccurate press release below:
[gview file=””]
CahokiaSeal (WinCE)


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  • Angie
    Posted at 21:50h, 29 October

    I thought that was wrong….since when can the people not speak? No one i seen was disruptive!!

  • Rissie McComb
    Posted at 17:17h, 28 October

    He couldn’t even be professional and sign it!

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 18:57h, 28 October

      and that one was a replacement for the one where his listed phone number had been disconnected.

      • Rob62234
        Posted at 23:26h, 28 October

        Bylaws ??? Is there a statute that says someone can be removed ?
