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March 28, 2025

Cahokia, IL. Clerk violates Constitution, hires wife as assistant –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On October 28, 2015

Cahokia, IL. (ECWd) –
Cahokia, Illinois’ elected Village Clerk, Rich Dunkan, had his salary reduced so he could hire his wife, Debbie Dunkan, as his assistant.
There is a provision in the Illinois Constitution, Article VII, Section 9 (b), which states:

(b)  An increase or decrease in the salary of an elected
officer of any unit of local government shall not take effect
during the term for which that officer is elected.

The Clerk, Rich Duncan, the Mayor, and majority of the Cahokia City Council have violated this provision, which in and of itself can be used as a predicate for felony criminal charges, and have possibly committed felony Official Misconduct for reducing the salary of the the City Clerk during his term of office.
It gets better, the Clerk had his salary reduced by $15,000 presumably so he could still qualify for federal payments (keeping him under the maximum income thresh-holds). When this all gets ironed out, I believe we will find he is defrauding the federal government, reporting inaccurate salary and income to stay qualified for their payments.
At the same time, he hired his wife, Debbie Dunkan,  as his assistant and is paying her $32,000 per year.
The salary reduction places a risk on the village. The salary reduction violates law, is invalid, and the complete salary is payable to Rich Dunkan.
Read more about this situation on KTVI, FOX-2 (here).

Cahokia-Clerk-Wife (WinCE)

Rich Dunkan and his Wife Screenshot from KTVI video


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  • John
    Posted at 16:32h, 14 April

    In Justice the appointed building commissioner’s wife is his administrative assistant and gets no bid work for the building company she is president of (they both claim their son is the owner). This is legal in Illinois. The Cook County ASA investigated and found no felony is being committed.

  • Lake Lady-Arcola Il.
    Posted at 12:18h, 28 October

    He didn’t happen to give her credit cards too,did he?

  • George Barraclough
    Posted at 09:24h, 28 October

    Attorneys in the news and media are saying:
    “What difference at this point does it make…”
    “Ain’t nobody got time for all of that”
