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Mike Marron Plans to Avoid Public Scrutiny of Vermilion County Planning –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On September 1, 2015

Vermilion Co., IL. (ECWd) –
Marron Plans to Avoid Scrutiny of Vermilion County Planning BY, FOR, ABOUT — AND COPYRIGHTED BY — MIKE MARRON.

Below is an unsolicited “solicitation” email from Mike Marron.
Marron is the current Vermilion County Board chairman.  He has had some run-ins with political firings and hirings.  He has appointed his own mother to a county position on the mental health board and also recently attempted to get his wife, Brandy Marron, appointed to serve on the Illinois Soybean Board.  Now, it appears he is using his position to create a PRIVATE public group to contribute ideas to make Vermilion County “better.”  This quasi-public committee is made up of mostly Republicans…..most likely 100% Republicans.  We don’t have anything against being Republican, but to be fair, we are certain there are some really good Democrats in Vermilion County, also.  So, this VC2025 committee is actually a PARTISAN committee consisting of 100% Republican politicians.
Marron has submitted guest commentary to the News Gazette to promote his “Vermilion County 2025 Vision” to the general public.  We do not have a problem with this seemingly well-intended promotion.  HOWEVER, alarm bells are ringing.
The emailed request clearly indicates that this is a Mike Marron project.  He uses his personal email address to conduct this “public” business.  His message clearly indicates that this correspondence is copywritten, contains a “special” post office box address for “VC2025” and all letters are to be sent to Mike Marron.
Now, some Vermilion County citizens are feeling like they are being owned by Marron.  We wonder if the input from the public can be legally FOIA’d since this appears to be ran as a private entity, with an independent mailing address, and using Mike Marron’s individual private email address.  This whole situation stinks to high heaven.  We also wonder if the input Marron receives will suddenly become claimed as his own intellectual property.  The Edgar County Watchdogs find this situation to be rather interesting.  We wonder if every rural citizen will finally get to “experience and enjoy” being screwed over by having 495′ tall wind turbines constructed 1200′ from their bedroom window.
Remember, Mike Marron has said to the wind victims:  “If you don’t like it, then you should just MOVE!” and, “It (the noise) bothers my wife, but it doesn’t bother me.”  Any person who would say such a thing to a member of the general public should be examined more closely.  Also, since Mike Marron filed a false police report against a constituent which was never followed up or investigated by the Vermilion County Sheriff’s department, perhaps an investigation into Marron’s personal gains from hosting wind turbines and firing of a long-time county finance officer should be looked into.
There are major issues going on in Vermilion County.  If we were the citizens, we would continue to fight hard against the cover-ups of the bad decisions which are pushed forth and promoted by Mike Marron and company.  He needs reminded that the county government works for the people, and the people are not there to serve him and his private self-serving promotion.
Below are excerpts from the actual email sent out by Marron using his private email account to promote “Vision 2025” which appears to be an official county committee, but when viewing the website it clearly states that it is “not paid for with taxpayer money.”
___________________________From: Mike Marron [mailto:[email protected]] On
Behalf Of Mike Marron
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 3:44 PM
To: =?utf-8?Q??= <>
Subject: VC2025 Update          (SEE PRETTY SUNSET) Our VC2025 committee, a group of committed team members, needs your help
in planning for the County’s future and making county government more
relevant.  The idea behind VC2025 is to set ambitious goals for our
County.  What do we want Vermilion County to look like in ten years?  What
kind of County do we want to create? If we dream big, pitch in, and stay
committed to self-improvement, we can accomplish anything.  We can build a
great tomorrow.  After we set our goals, we will need a strong framework
in place to accomplish our ambitions.  We will have to utilize all the
professional tools at our disposal.  This is key.  We want our plan to
actually be effective.  We aren’t going through this exercise to create a
nice plan that will sit on someone’s shelf for ten years.  Our plan must
produce tangible results.  Finally, we must issue a challenge to the
citizens of our County, a call to action that motivates people to get the
job done building our community of tomorrow.
To be successful, we need your help in this task.  We can only produce
winning results if we have public “buy in” for this initiative.  This
needs to be your initiative, your goals, your structure, and your
challenge, all to build your future.  We are asking as many people as we
can to identify what you feel are Vermilion County’s strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.  We will compile this information
and use it to help create the goals that we will set for the County.  This
is your chance for input, Vermilion County officials asking you how to
make County government more relevant in your lives.  Please visit our
website and fill out the questionnaire on the first page.
Your input is critical to our success.  Together we will build a plan for
a bright and better tomorrow for Vermilion County.
Mike Marron
Please take a minute to visit the VC2025 website to share your thoughts.
The questionnaire is right on the home page.
There was a very nice article recently in the Commercial News explaining
what we are trying to do with VC2025. Please click on the link above to
read it.  Thanks.
This information is not paid for with taxpayers money:
Copyright © 2015 Mike Marron / VC2025, All rights reserved.
A periodic newsletter for Vermilion County.
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Mike Marron / VC2025
PO Box 1492
Danville, IL 61834
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  • Sick of it all....
    Posted at 15:03h, 01 September

    Is he using lists of county residents that the County has? If so, and he says this is his private, not county, committee……he has violated the privacy of every citizen he sent an email to, hasn’t he? Can’t use County information for private, personal use….

  • Susan Newberg
    Posted at 14:40h, 01 September

    I think this phrase says it all:
    ” This is your chance for input, Vermilion County officials asking you how to
    make County government more relevant in your lives.”
    Underline Vermilion County officials asking. This is co-mingling, no question.
