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Local Paper only reports part of the story –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On September 19, 2015

Paris, IL. (ECWd) –
In this past Thurday’s edition of the Prairie Press, they ran an article entitled “Kraft Alleges Intimidation By Director“, which on its surface looks like a pretty informative article.
Our article is here, which includes the offensive voice message.
However, in their attempt at describing the relationships between those involved, including me, they failed to come clean on their own relationship to one of the parties involved, Sam Roberts.
Nancy (Roberts) Zeman, part-owner of the Prairie Press, is the sister of Sam Roberts, the school employee who left the offensive phone message.
While I appreciate Prairie Press’s attempt at “full disclosure” in the article, I felt complete full disclosure would have been more appropriate considering Nancy was in attendance at the meeting in question – which means the writer did not obtain his information first-hand.


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  • Sky
    Posted at 12:55h, 24 September

    You folks are fun . I usually enjoy reading this website for news I just can’t get from todays media but ran across this one . I was lucky enough to get in on the first a while ago so have got to read all the posts . Seems to me the guy that called the young lady and left a voice mail telling of his vengeance from this young lady who wrote on her Facebook that someone was an asshat was in the wrong and owes an apology .He apparently was on the Facebook at work , maybe on break , in order to call from a schools phone where he worked .Taking away something she benefited from that clearly wasn’t his to have the say since it was the taxpayers property .Seems to me he turned his posse onto this young lady,her family and the posters that supported her with Family members ( That used their names ) and a guy who apparently beats his girlfriends if one of the posters are accurate . Maybe a cousin or something to the people who use their names .In a final note a poster wanted people to use their names because she did , why ??? They already saw the wrath that has been inflicted on this young lady and to call the posters gutless , well they didn’t call a young lady and left a voice mail taking out their frustrations for her describing his hat or where it was located . That was gutless .Watchdogs , keep up the good work because you are making a difference , not like the useless media and town papers .

  • Perry White
    Posted at 23:06h, 20 September

    Hmm, the former Beaconfused news pup is still making her mark on “journalism”. She could certainly take a lesson from my former apprentice, Clark.

  • Cheryl curl
    Posted at 17:37h, 20 September

    Seems strange that the Roberts have been using our real names on these replies but some of the rest of you have not. If you are going to bash my relatives at least have the guts to use your name.

  • former Paris resident
    Posted at 21:24h, 19 September

    I have the watchdogs book marked and read them daily … I lived in Paris 48 years and grew up there and know how the paper is a joke … I have found more credible news from the watchdogs than ever published in the Paris Beacon or now the Prairie Press … I know all the players here and laugh at the names of Roberts because even people in the silent majority in such a small town know all the dirt on these people … It always was and continues today in Paris that you get farther by who’s butt you kiss and I think god everyday that I moved from there … I only keep tabs because of friends and family that still live in that hole …

    • Cheryl curl
      Posted at 17:23h, 20 September

      These people are my family and I don’t appreciate what you just said about our family name. I am really tired of this crap you are spreading.

  • Andrew Roberts
    Posted at 15:13h, 19 September

    I find it comical that you take the time to write an article accusing the Prairie Press of not telling the whole story when you yourself didn’t provide full disclosure in your original article. Nancy being Sam’s sister had no bearing on the article. They reported what took place at the meeting without forming an opinion. Isn’t that the whole purpose of the press, to “Report the Facts?”
    And to keep with the full-disclosure. Sam is my father and Nancy is my Aunt. They have done more for this community then you will ever hope to.
    It blows my mind that people in Paris actually take you guys seriously.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 20:39h, 19 September

      I find it comical that you are wasting your time commenting on an article that you say people shouldn’t take seriously.
      The remarks I made to the D-95 School Board had no bearing on who may be related to whom, it was 100% about the nasty, intimidating voice message left by Sam Roberts and nothing else. The Prairie Press reported more than was stated at the meeting, and FAILED to completely disclose what they were disclosing – and yes, Nancy being Sam’s sister did have a bearing on the article the PP printed. By naming all of the relationships and failing to name the relationship of the publication that was naming the other relationships could be considered dishonest at best.
      Don’t get me wrong, it does not bother me at all they named us, most of the board and the super already knew the relationships so it doesn’t matter except when you are naming them and leave one out.
      As for your “full disclosure” statement, you are free to believe whatever you believe about your father and what he has done – there are plenty of people that see it otherwise.
      People take us seriously because we post documents, audio, and video to back up what we say. People can read, listen, watch, and make up their own minds.

  • Robert O. Bogue
    Posted at 11:48h, 19 September

    If the citizens of this community ever believed that Taylor Smith, Nancy Zeeman or Gary Henry (The Prairie Press) were/are interested in telling the entire story to this community: this “revelation” should serve as an illuminating example…………… that……….. one should not to take them too seriously.
    Having said that, another point worth mentioning is that all of the afore mention were happily employed by the Beacon News just a few short years ago…..doing pretty much the same thing.
    Is there a difference between them? Probably not much. Neither paper, or tabloid if you will, seems to focus on the criminal activities, political wrong doing, and/or corruption here in Edgar County.
    There is plenty. For example, the entire story has yet to be published by either regarding our airport manager…whose false credentials and lies prevail as does his employment with the support of county board members, Voigt, Farnham and Heltsley. Not much was said about the “airport secretary” either.
    Clearly, neither of these parties are contributing to our community in a good way by limiting themselves to “happy stories” and then hiding the truth: or by telling only their half…. such as in this case.
    What better protection could a publication offer to one of their own, than their silence?
    Apparently it doesn’t pay or, when it effects some of their own interests (as in this example), it’s conveniently “omitted”. Just the facts, all of them and from everyone, please.

  • former Paris resident
    Posted at 10:36h, 19 September

    The Paris paper was and has always been a joke … Now that I know Nancy Roberts is co-owner , I understand why …

    • Carolyn Wilson
      Posted at 11:05h, 19 September

      Me too. Did not know of that relationship, but I can tell you that many of the former students I knew, including my grandson, know Roberts is “a joke” at the HS. One time the state was called in for an inspection of some things gone wrong (an OSHA type of thing) and my grandson overheard what the inspector told the Supt., and it was practically all regarding what Roberts hadn’t done or done incorrectly. Roberts presence was just a joke to students “who were in the know”
