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March 28, 2025

College of DuPage voids Breuder's contracts, renames Homeland Security Building –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On September 17, 2015

College of DuPage (ECWd) –
Updated to clarify the vote for renaming of building…
September 17, 2015
The meeting started approx 5 minutes late, with Trustee Birt voting no on approving the agenda.
Glen Hansen had first chop at the public comment session and spoke about leadership and the Board’s responsibility to take action, and that inaction is an action of itself. No more failed leadership!
Later, Rep. Jennie Ives spoke  about SSG Miller and the placement of his name on the Homeland Education Building. She talked about real heroes having buildings named after them instead of names negotiated for by people not worthy of any honor.
At tonight’s College of DuPage, (“COD”) Board of Trustees meeting, the board took several notable votes.

  • Voted and approved with a  4 – 3 vote, McGuire-Wozniak-Birt were the NO votes, to declare Pres Breuder’s contracts, amendments, and addenda Void Ab Initio, which essentially and immediately makes him an at-will employee.


  • Voted to immediately name the Homeland Security Education Center after Medal of Honor recipient Staff Sergeant Robert J. Miller, and directing the immediate name change to the “Robert J. Miller Homeland Security Education Center“. The vote was 4 – 2 – with 1 abstain (Wozniak).

With the abstention of Wozniak, the vote totals in the official record should reflect 5 – 2 in favor of the Motion. The reasoning behind this is that an abstention, in a case where an affirmative vote is not required, counts towards the majority vote. In Prosser v Fox Lake, the Court distinguished the differences between an “affirmative vote” and “concurrence of a majority.” A Community College Board approves all Motions with a majority of those voting, which means a “concurrence of a majority”, and as such all abstentions count as the majority, which in this case is a “yea”. So the final vote to rename the building is 5-2 in favor.
Section 3.9 of the Public Community Colleges Act explains the quorum and voting procedures.


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  • Rob Johnson
    Posted at 09:12h, 19 September

    I am shocked but mostly saddened by Trustees Brit, McGuire, and Wozniak, each of whom did not vote YES, to rename the Homeland Security Building in honor of our fallen HERO Staff Sergeant Robert J. Miller. It is painfully clear these three do not fully understand the sacrifice of the 1 percent of those who serve in our armed forces.
    I am struck by their unending and twisted sense of loyalty to Mr. Brueder. We will never be able to fully repay the debt to Staff Sergeant Robert J. Miller, who made the ultimate sacrifice. Renaming the Homeland Security Building in honor of the Congressional Medal Recipient is a fitting tribute and a quiet reminder to never stop giving thanks to those who fight for our freedom, and those who died doing so.
    Thank you Chairman Hamilton, Trustees Mazzochi, Napolitano, and Bernstein for remembering, “That all gave some and some gave all.”

  • Former Illinois resident
    Posted at 03:45h, 18 September

    I don’t understand anyone voting against the hero getting the Homeland Center named after him … Maybe they do ( Obviously ) have allegiance to Breuder ( the criminal ) but they are just showing what and who they are … I hope the voters pay attention even to the abstain vote … This is a disgrace … A man gave his life for a belief and another cowered under the protection of this man … To many buildings in this country are named after cowards and crooks …
