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March 28, 2025

College of DuPage – More conflicts for Robert Breuder exposed

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On September 15, 2015

DuPage Co. (ECWd)
Document dumps from COD have yet to disappoint when it comes to exposing even more corruption by the disgraced Robert Breuder.
In a previous article we exposed the illegal spending by COD to a local corporation called Choose DuPage, which is an economic development corporation that appears to be ran by self proclaimed who’s who in Dupage County.  Such expenditures are not permitted by the community college act yet multiple payments have been made.  We asked the current financial team to look into those payments two months ago and are still waiting on a response however more has now come to light!  ( Previous Choose DuPage article here)
Reviewing today’s FOIA response from COD a letter was included titled “Excellence in Education Award”.   In the last paragraph it lists several Board of Directors that Breuder serves on.

Let’s turn to Breuder’s employment contract and once again point out grounds for termination for cause!

The President hereby accepts such employment and will devote his entire professional time, attention, and energy to the performance of the duties of the Office of the President of the College, and will not during the term of this Agreement engage in any other activity whether or not such activity is for gain, profit, or other advantage. However, subject to prior approval of the Board Chairperson, and provided there is no conflict of interest the President may serve on external boards of directors or as a consultant to- other organizations, with or without pay. The Board agrees that the President may serve in a consultant capacity for another educational institution with or without pay provided that such service does not interfere with or create a conflict with his duties as President of the College.
I had already covered most of the issues with his contract violation in a previous article however this new document points to what should be a serious concern for Breuder.  (Previous article on his contract violations for serving on boards without approval.)
We know that Breuder was never given permission to serve on other boards however even if he was given permission, it could only happen if there was no conflict of interest.  What do you call it when he makes contributions from his position at COD to a private corporation in which he is a member of the Board of Directors?

Conflict of Interest!

So not only has he violated his contract by serving on that board without permission and clearly doing so is a conflict of interest, but he also spent taxpayer money on matters not permitted by the community college act.

May I once again make some suggestions to the COD Board of Trustees.  Please take the following steps ASAP.

  1. Terminate Breuder for Cause
  2. Schedule his termination hearing ASAP
  3. Pass a resolution stripping his name from the Homeland Security Building ASAP
  4. Pass a resolution naming that building after Medal of Honor recipient SSG Robert J. Miller ASAP  (Please sign the online petition on this matter!)

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  • Mac
    Posted at 16:45h, 30 September

    Joe Collins came to a Choose DuPage Board meeting this afternoon at Elmhurst Hospital. He left abruptly when he saw a number of previous and current COD Foundation Board members,

  • M
    Posted at 16:11h, 16 September

    That award was from his alma mater, SUNY Albany last Spring. After being made aware of the ongoing investigations and the VNC from the faculty, Albany rescinded the award before it was presented to Breuder. Sounds like the nomination may have originated from within the College of Dupage.

  • Bill G
    Posted at 18:48h, 15 September

    Well done Kirk. Thanks for defending and serving IL citizens who have been abused far too long.

  • Lisle Watchdog.
    Posted at 17:12h, 15 September

    You will find Naperville school district spending thousands of tax dollars making “contributions” to an organization called Naperville Development Corp. which is the Naperville equivalent of Choose DuPage. Back in 2007 when Choose DuPage as formed by the County as a quasi-governmental non-profit entity, it was expected to be self funded (no public funds) in 2 yrs. 8 years letter, we still find the county funnels $500,000 every year to Choose DuPage…. zero accountability for use of public funds. No open meetings, no budget, no annual report. Good luck finding their most recent 990.
