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March 13, 2025

College of DuPage voted to terminate Breuder –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On August 20, 2015

College of DuPage (ECWd) –
Tonight, the College of DuPage voted to initiate termination procedures against President-on-administration-leave Breuder. Effective immediately.
Trustee McGuire shouted about her opinion that it is a totally political move by the majority. She said she will be voting NO.
Wozniak stated he is against termination because there could be a lawsuit against the college. He said he will vote NO.
Motion was called to vote: 4 yea and 2 nea votes. Motion carried according to law. Trustee Birt was notably absent tonight.
Additionally, the board voted to ask the DuPage County State’s Attorney to prosecute the alleged Open Meetings Act violation as mentioned in the July 2015 non-binding Attorney General opinion. This complaint was from a board meeting four years ago, and the only person with power to prosecute is a County State’s Attorney, who must do so within 60 days of his discovery of the alleged violation. Previous article on the AG Opinion (here). The Motion passed with 4 yea, 1 nae (McGuire), and 1 abstain (Wozniak).


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  • r
    Posted at 08:26h, 21 August

    Those two must be feeling the heat!

    • Danni Smith
      Posted at 12:18h, 21 August

      do those two really think they are impervious to the ramifications of their voting? They are beyond impotent, they are criminally continuing the theft of fair and honest representation of the taxpayer. I wish someone would ask them whose interests are they reflecting? They would say the taxpayer and if one were to ask them to name names, they would say that it is confidential. They are only representing something I cannot even imagine or conjure up.

  • Philo Beddoe
    Posted at 07:34h, 21 August

    So when do the criminal investigations begin? Or, is that up to the limpdick prosecutor like it is in so many counties? There is absolutely no oversight of these prosecutors. If you have the right amount of money you could even get away with murder. We have already seen an ambulance service STOLEN from the Edgar county taxpayers. Could it be that because a sitting judge blessed that transaction that the current prosecutor wont touch it?
