Orland Park, IL. (ECWd) –
According to a FOIA dump that was forwarded to me this evening, the Orland Park Public Library has officially stated that their marketing/information officer, Bridget Bittman, is no longer employed with them.
[documentcloud url=”https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2226972-fox-foia-08-03-2015-56-response-1/annotations/234613.js” ]
In recent months, Ms. Bittman had filed a defamation lawsuit against Ms. Fox and Mr. DuJan (that we consider a SLAPP suit) for their having shined the light on issues with child pornography and other disgusting things being accessed in the OPPL, and nothing being done about it.
Most Counts in the Complaint were dismissed and Fox filed a counter suit against Bittman. Both are still pending adjudication.
A notice for job opening appeared on the OPPL a week or so ago and now Ms. Bittman’s linkedin page shows her former employment as the OPPL and her current employment as a “Great nonprofit”
I have a FOIA request in for copies of any resignations and/or severance packages. Will update when the records are received.
Posted at 09:22h, 08 AugustGood riddance!
Posted at 22:40h, 07 AugustBridget Bittman was (and likely still is) an effective public relations expert for the American Library Association’s “Office for Intellectual Freedom” in nearby Chicago to whom she was beholden. In particular, she successfully fended off almost two years of effort to expose the coverup of child p0rnography at the Orland Park Public Library that is available per the diktat of the ALA (that says only judges may identify what is child p0rn, not librarians), and has been rewarded repeatedly for her effectively defending “intellectual freedom.” One of her rewards was to be a trainer for ALA on how librarians and library trustees can thwart whistleblowers attempting to investigate incidents of child p0rn viewing. At the training she made homophobic remarks about the whistleblowers because one is gay, but, being a true public relations expert for ALA, was selected anyway for more ALA training on the same topic. She was so successful in getting away with this homophobia that ALA itself ordered the destruction of all evidence that would expose her for her homophobia.
Similarly, ALA’s leading expert on Internet filtering is a woman who made false claims about a man being a sexual predator, helped destroy his career over the course of about a year, then refused to apologize like the two other accusers did. She also trained librarians that libraries destroy computer Internet browsing history precisely to thwart police investigations.
No coincidence, OPPL also destroys public records, as the child p0rn incident report reveals, also precisely to thwart police investigations. Perhaps now that Bridget Bittman is gone, OPPL should consider keeping those public records instead of destroying them against the law but in compliance with ALA diktat. To this date OPPL has done absolutely nothing about the child p0rn viewer or about its covering up that crime where Bridget Bittman’s excellent public relations skills were key in ensuring media published for years that the whistleblowers were the problem, not the library’s ALA-induced pro-child p0rn policy and subsequent coverup.
So I am certain Bridget Bittman’s particular skill set and experience with ALA will enable her to have a bright future with ALA. ALA’s OIF has hired others who promote its interests, so I am certain Bridget Bittman will fare very well with ALA, potentially the “great nonprofit” she references, and I wish her good luck there or in any similar organization that may wish to hire such an expert. Working with ALA will help keep her activities further hidden from public eyes, so her particular skills will likely flourish.
Good luck, Bridget Bittman!
Posted at 00:04h, 08 AugustShe’s good at all those jobs and you can’t get any job.
Posted at 08:28h, 08 AugustWhat he described was being good at lying, being good at teaching others how to lie, and being good at advocating for lies.
Posted at 15:37h, 08 AugustKevin,
just where is your proof Bridget Bittman is working for the ALA? What evidence do you have that she (herself) expressed homophobic remarks at the RAILS meeting? No wonder the media pays little attention to your cause.
Posted at 22:26h, 08 AugustThe only people paying attention are a cadre of unemployed loons.
Posted at 22:46h, 08 Augustaren’t you paying attention?
Posted at 10:20h, 09 AugustLooks like the Doxie twins had their facebook page shut down this morning.
Posted at 10:59h, 09 AugustI don’t understand your cryptic language. Who are the Doxie twins and what was their facebook page?
Posted at 12:47h, 09 AugustWell lets see JM. Last night Kevin/Megan posted on the fan page a link to a suburban nonprofit. Along with that link was a reference to Ms Bitmann’s LinkedIn page about a “great nonprofit”. One must wonder if this is a reference to Ms. Bitmann’s new employer. I’m sure you know what doxing is, or you can Google it. My question would be why would Kevin/Megan post this link out of the clear blue sky? And if they claim no knowledge of Ms Bitmann’ new employer, what a fortuitous coincidence. My impression is the Doxie twins (ie Kevin/Megan) just want to continue the vicious harassment by taking it to her new employer. Hence someone, not me, complained to Facebook and Facebook pulled the plug on them. Sorry my comments cant follow your comment in sequence.
Posted at 13:33h, 09 AugustThe post is still there, I just checked, which is why I couldn’t figure out what you were trying to say. Their facebook page is still up and that post is still on it. something about tci21. So I don’t know how you think it was taken down when I can still see it…maybe they blocked/banned you?
Posted at 15:04h, 09 AugustDon’t know why I can’t access the fan page, since I’ve never commented there. But the fact remains that they’ve probably posted her new employer’s information which is harassment.