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October 19, 2024

Update on Secret 2014 Airplane Crash at Edgar County Airport –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On July 9, 2015

In an effort to revealed every detail of the secret airplane crash that happened last summer/fall 2014 at the Edgar County Airport, we have more information to provide today, and will continue digging into this until we have reached the truth in this incident:

Aircraft “N” number: 736AA (click here for FAA data)

February 28, 2014 – Glen Hutchings issued Bill of Sale to Jerry Newlin (this info comes from the FAA Aircraft Registration desk – Chicago)
July 4, 2014 – we have enough information to know the plane flew on this night to view the fireworks show in Paris
July 31, 2014 – this is the last recorded date any fuel was purchased under this aircraft number
We have reason to believe the aircraft crashed within a day or two of this fuel purchase
August 19, 2014 – this is the date the FAA issued a Registration Certificate for this aircraft in Jerry Newlin’s name
March 30, 2015 – this aircraft was De-registered and is stated to have been exported to Bolivia, South America

Federal Aviation Rules for Registration

FAR 47.41(a):   The registration is terminated upon sale of aircraft, and it is a federal crime to operate an unregistered aircraft.

14 CFR 47.41 Duration and Return of Certificate [of Registration]

§ 47.41 Duration and return of Certificate.

(a) Each Certificate of Aircraft Registration, AC Form 8050-3, issued by the FAA under this subpart is effective, unless registration has ended by reason of having been revoked, canceled, expired, or the ownership is transferred, until the date upon which one of the following events occurs:
I don’t think it can get any clearer than that.
Additionally, Glen Hutchins was obligated under federal law to return the Registration Certificate within 21 days of the transfer of ownership (which this ownership was transferred on February 28, 2014).
(b) The Certificate of Aircraft Registration, with the reverse side completed, must be returned to the Registry—
(3) Within 21 days of the termination of the registration, by the holder of the Certificate of Aircraft Registration in all other cases mentioned in paragraph (a) of this section, except in the case of expired certificates, the holder must destroy the expired certificate.
We can “assume” this happened since the FAA has a copy of the Bill of Sale – but we are still attempting to obtain a copy of the returned Certificate of registration.
We can also “assume” that this aircraft was not submitted for a new Certificate of Registration until sometime after the aircraft crashed, due to the complete secrecy surrounding the date, time, pilot, passenger, and reason(s) for the aircraft to crash at the Edgar County Airport.
If this is presumed to be the case, was the insurance company aware this aircraft was not registered at the date of the crash?
The bottom line in this situation is that this is a public airport, the aircraft was based at this airport, the crash happened at a public airport, and the public has a right to know the factors and other information surrounding this crash.

Previous articles on this incident are here.



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  • E. Ness
    Posted at 07:45h, 10 July

    Not sure how long that data is kept but surely the FEDS / IRS have it from within past year – and more.

  • Mike
    Posted at 22:37h, 09 July

    If you really wanted to find out if an aircraft is flying in the area you could access the Hulman regional Airport radar data. Each time an aircraft transponder is pinged ,it squawks back its transponder code such as 1200 along with a unique code for that aircaircrafts n number. Alfalfa

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 22:42h, 09 July

      How long do they keep the data?

  • E. Ness
    Posted at 21:32h, 09 July

    PS – Revenue / Tax records pertaining to sale and condition of aircraft?

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 22:38h, 09 July

      Working on that one…

  • Leslie Neilson
    Posted at 21:30h, 09 July

    I know you boys have more pressing issues at hand, but I’d like to know more about the buyer / destination in Bolivia, the buyer’s info and relationship to people in / near Edgar County, the money trail and financial institutions & mechanisms involved in this AND any other transactions, shipments, etc. between the Bolivia buyer and the seller or others in / near Edgar County. Did Newlin actually sell it or was possession / ownership transferred from Newlin to someone else prior to sale? Was the seller the real seller? Was there a description any where in sales or export documentation as to the “condition” of the aircraft, I.E., “damaged” or is shown as parted-out, which would further indicate damage – or lacking specific parts which would indicate damage. Was the purchaser the real purchaser or a straw purchaser? Who shipped, method, and was it inspected b4 departing US? Any other FAA or US documentations needed (missing) for the transfer / sale to Bolivia? I know, but the devil is in the details. Call the feds and let them sort it out.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 22:39h, 09 July

      Working on this one too – had to order the CD of all the paperwork the FAA has concerning this aircraft. It was $10, now just waiting on it…
