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March 14, 2025

HB3593 "Breuder Bill" Passes House and Senate (College of DuPage)

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On July 9, 2015

Springfield, IL. (ECWd) –
The “Breuder Bill”, HB3593, which limits severance pay at Illinois Community Colleges to no more than 12 months pay has passed the House with a 73-34 vote on concurrence with the Senate amendment.
This was one of more than a dozen Bills introduced after our shining the light on the College of DuPage in the past year, and is a direct response to the $750,000+ severance package gifted to Breuder in January of this year.
It takes effect immediately upon Gov Rauner’s signature.
House Sponsors
Rep. Jeanne M Ives – Ron Sandack – Margo McDermed – Deborah Conroy – Martin J. Moylan, Dwight Kay, Mark Batinick, Brian W. Stewart, Tom Demmer, David Harris, Mike Fortner, Patricia R. Bellock, Barbara Wheeler, Sheri L Jesiel, David McSweeney, Stephanie A. Kifowit, Robert Rita, Carol A. Sente, Michael W. Tryon and Peter Breen
Senate Sponsors
(Sen. Michael Connelly – Bill Cunningham – Thomas Cullerton – Chris Nybo and Jacqueline Y. Collins)
Synopsis As Introduced
Amends the Public Community College Act. With respect to employment contracts, other than collective bargaining agreements, entered into with an employee of a community college district, (1) the term of a contract may not exceed 3 years; (2) severance under the contract may not exceed one year; (3) the contract may not include any automatic rollover clauses, and all renewals or extensions of contracts must be made during an open meeting of the board of trustees; (4) public notice must be given of any contract entered into, amended, renewed, or extended and must include a complete description of the action to be taken, as well the contract itself, including all addendums or any other documents that change an initial contract. Effective immediately.
House Floor Amendment No. 1
Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the contents of the introduced bill with the following changes: with respect to employment contracts, other than collective bargaining agreements, entered into with an employee of a community college district, provides that the initial term of a rolling contract (rather than the term of a contract) may not exceed 3 years, and a rollover term or terms may not exceed one year. Provides that severance under the contract may not exceed one year salary and applicable benefits (rather than just one year). Provides that a contract with a determinate start and end date may not exceed 4 years. Effective immediately.
Senate Floor Amendment No. 2
Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the contents of the engrossed bill as amended by Senate Amendment No. 1, but provides that public notice must be given of an employment contract (rather than any contract) entered into, amended, renewed, or extended. Effective immediately.


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