Clark-Edgar Rural Water District – (ECWd) –
During its May 4, 2015 Organizational Meeting, the Clark-Edgar Rural Water District “CERWD” elected Roger Brown as the Board Chairman, then the other officers were appointed and committees appointed.
Later that evening, and this is the most important part of this meeting, the Board attorney warned Board Member David Sprigg that he must keep from discussing and voting on anything related to bonds, and/or loans with the Water District.
Sprigg brought the bond paperwork with him to the board meeting and started to say something under the “Bond Ordinance” item. The Board attorney immediately stated that “the minutes need to show” that Sprigg must abstain from discussion, voting, or anything else related to the bonds. they acknowledged that he “couldn’t give a “pitch” on it”.
They decided to just “show that he gave out the paperwork”…even though there were “short” questions directed at him (Sprigg).
David Sprigg is a board member and also employed at the bank the proposed bonds will go to.

Warren J. Le Fever
Posted at 08:27h, 29 JulyOld National Bank headquarters management (Evansville, IN) should be informed of the incident because a bank officer employed by them should know to never violate state ethics law. That’s a basic rule. The mere appearance of impropriety alone should be a major concern.
This is not a minor problem.
Posted at 08:42h, 29 Julywait for the next article…