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March 29, 2025

The Ghost of Doug Corbett- AG says FIPHD violated FOIA

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On June 4, 2015

Iroquois Co. (ECWd) –

In another fine example of how bad things are at the Attorney General’s Public Access office.  Twenty months after a request for review was submitted to them, they finally confirm a violation occurred, however, they claim they can’t direct the records be turned over because the FIPHD was dissolved.

Hello?  Just because they are dissolved does not mean the records don’t exist.  Is it asking to much for someone to take some initiative to ask where the records are at?  Surprise, the records are in the possession of Iroquois County.

Had those records been properly provided there would have been additional evidence of the criminal expenditure of federal flood grant money.

Below is the AG response provided to Will Brumleve, an award winning reporter for the Paxton Record who we had been working with on the flood grant fraud by Doug Corbett.  When the AG fails to do their job in a timely manner, the public cannot be informed, and the bad actors get away with misapplying millions of dollars.

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  • Mike
    Posted at 12:12h, 10 October

    The AG response is missing from the post?

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 12:55h, 10 October

      Fixed the link. Thanks.

  • somefollowuprequired
    Posted at 08:56h, 17 June

    was is the latest information on the email forensic audit?

  • PegB
    Posted at 14:54h, 05 June

    After filing a PAC review for possible misuse of hotel/motel tax money my husband finally got a response from the Assistant AG. They further investigated the complaint but found that the City of Leroy had complied with the FOIA by furnishing the documents requested. Requested were the minutes and or warrants showing council approval of spending $245,000 in hotel motel tax. What he got was 67 pages of general ledgers with nothing linking the expenditures to any action by council approval and no specific projects for qualified spending. The AG’s office found that the city had complied by furnishing what information they had. Not that the information was correct or the accounting method is an approved method based on state statute but just that they had given him what they had. How does gloves, hard hats, pliers, flowers, etc. qualify for hotel/motel tax? Does the AG’s office not state that they are the chief financial office for the state? How holds these public bodies accountable?

  • Robert O. Bogue
    Posted at 06:57h, 05 June

    Yet, another example of the great Illinois justice system at work, and once again Matt Hartman is driving the bus.
    This 20 month example dwarf’s mine…only because the Illinois Justice system only took 14 months to reach a conclusion regarding my complaint. And yes, just as in this example my allegations were proven correct.
    Who would argue, when justice is delayed that justice is not denied? As the integrity of our state government and it’s actions continue to fail its citizens, the confidence Illinois citizens have in their government continues it’ downward spiral. Where are the patriots, the veterans and those that still want our country to survive?

  • ECWDogs
    Posted at 21:14h, 04 June

    The Ghost of Doug Corbett- AG says FIPHD violated FOIA
