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March 28, 2025

Drunk Driving Trash Toter Bandit in Paris ?

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On June 20, 2015


From all appearances, the driver of this vehicle was “allegedly” driving under the influence of something when he decided to drive thru someone’s yard, run over a steel post, and run over their trash can.

After hitting the trash can, the driver scattered trash all over the yard, dragging the trash toter with him down the street.

It wasn’t very difficult to follow the scratch marks in the street, and when found, the truck still had a passenger in it who was still “sleeping it off” from last night.

The driver was located by the Paris Police Department.

Pics below:


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  • Geofge Barraclough
    Posted at 17:13h, 20 June

    Was any DNA collected or a rape kit used?
    Which leads me to an idea that just occured to me, and that is, what if the Watchdogs developed a FOIA Kit?

  • phil
    Posted at 13:16h, 20 June

    Its not like this is shocking for paris , i guess he will be on a motorized bicycle befor to long!

  • Steve
    Posted at 08:28h, 20 June

    I’ll guess the driver had a troubled childhood, or is currently a troubled child.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 08:43h, 20 June

      Maybe he actually had nothing to drink and was completely sober, while simply self-identifying and choosing to live as a drunk driver. A trans-drunk-driver so to speak…

      • George Barraclough
        Posted at 17:15h, 20 June

        Would he have to be outed by AAA?

      • George Barraclough
        Posted at 17:35h, 20 June

        Or, MADD?

      • Steve
        Posted at 04:50h, 22 June

        Self-identifying as a drunk driver. LOL. Well done, Jim.

  • Nancy Reagan
    Posted at 08:07h, 20 June

    Another drug or alcohol related incident in Edgar County…
