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February 22, 2025

Vermilion Co. Board Meeting – 5-12-2015 –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 13, 2015

Vermilion County – Illinois –  Board Meeting – May 12, 2015

During this month’s board meeting the Vermilion County Board approved a resolution to endorse’s financial analysis tool which is estimated to cost approximately $7000.00 per year.

Other business included public comments:

  1. The first speaker talked about the fact that this board has the power to change its wind ordinance at anytime it feels the need to change it. He gave the example of recent changes in Iroquois County’s wind ordinance and their actions to change it when the need arises.
  2. The second speaker talked about the fact that the Counties Code does not restrict ordinances related to wind farms to only those counties that have zoning. Any county can adopt an ordinance for wind farms and wind turbines whether or not they are a county with zoning.
  3. The third speaker reiterated what the first two said, and also informed the board that the land sale/give-a-way from last fall is not a dead issue and they would hear more on the subject after the information gathering stage was completed. discussion:

Presentation claims improved transparency and record keeping. It also assists in analyzing the finance and budgeting process to assist the board members and managers in the process. All assists in producing financial reports.



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