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February 23, 2025

Update on Martinsville’s flag desecrating teacher –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 19, 2015

Clark Co., IL. (ECWd) –

Update: May 20, 2015:

WTHI Interview of Clifford Clouser (HERE) and other news article (HERE) and Statement by School Superintendent (HERE).

WTWO reported on it (HERE).

This is an update to our previous article about the Martinsville High School English Teacher that decided it was a good idea to put the U.S.  Flag on the floor during class and walk on it “as part of a discussion”…

Here is his picture from his facebook page:


Jordan Parmenter – Taken from his facebook page

Additionally, he stated last year (on his facebook page) that he might be inclined to assign his students a homework assignment to argue that the Jews were the problem in Nazi Germany instead of the Nazis – “in order to see things from an alternative point of view“.

WTWO out of Terre Haute is at the school now and are reporting that the teacher allegedly stomped on the flag during class.


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  • Matthew M
    Posted at 23:57h, 29 May

    Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing. I couldn’t be in stronger support of this teacher. School district better watch out or they will have one hell of a lawsuit.

    • Metoo
      Posted at 17:07h, 30 June

      If he wants to walk on the flag in his own home, he is free to do so. But apparently in IL desecration of the flag is a FELONY. Here’s hoping that on top of being fired he is also prosecuted. I am sure that like him, you are a leftist. Yeah, he has freedom of speech, but it will still be nice if someone beats the crap out of that fat, now unemployed, POS. I am sure he will not be getting a letter of recommendation from that employer. Let’s see how well he does when he has to explain in the future why he lost his last job. LOL

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 23:44h, 30 June

      The Supreme Court held: “When public employees make statements pursuant to their official duties, they are not speaking as citizens for First Amendment purposes, and the Constitution does not insulate their communications from employer discipline.” (Click here for Garcetti v. Ceballos)


  • Larry Curtis
    Posted at 21:14h, 22 May

    Looks like a fine candidate to do Drive-Thru work at McDonalds now…which is what he deserves for this bonehead action.

  • PrivacyRightsIL
    Posted at 13:49h, 21 May

    @ericowensdc @DailyCaller Teacher is identified here. via @ECWDogs #tcot #twill

  • nikkimarielong
    Posted at 12:30h, 21 May

    Illinois teacher stomps on flag in front of class via @ECWDogs


  • Brandon
    Posted at 06:48h, 20 May

    Unfortunately this occupy Wall Street worm will hid behind the first amendment. There was a similar event in South Carolina and the taxpayers foot the bill for an $85k plus settlement. The best course of action would be to ostracize him so he will want to resign. It’s increasingly common that teachers push their politics on students to indoctrinate them. Jordan parmenter just teach English keep your politics out of the classroom.

  • I Pledge Allegience, to the Flag, of the United State of America
    Posted at 21:03h, 19 May

    Well, initially, I thought about giving him the benefit of the doubt – even though it was stupid and disrespectful of the flag – thinking maybe he wanted to invoke a passionate discussion among the students. But then I thought better of it and told myself – naw, you don’t have to desecrate the flag to stimulate the discussion. After your reference to his Nazi / Jews comment – piss on him – what a dumb ass – or smart ass – or both.

  • robert boose
    Posted at 20:46h, 19 May

    this teacher has shown very bad judgement and should not be in a position of leadership .

  • Ginny
    Posted at 20:35h, 19 May

    Unbelievable!!! We can not believe how disgraceful people have gotten!! I could pretty much say he has never been in the military!! What a shame!

  • Cindy Warren
    Posted at 17:47h, 19 May

    Maybe he need to have a talk with a survivor of the Nazi camps…. Maybe he needs to talk to some war vets… Maybe he just needs to pack and go live in another country…

  • Chris M. Gaines
    Posted at 15:48h, 19 May

    Facts about the laws concerning desecration of the flag:

    Congress responded to the Johnson decision by passing a Flag Protection Act, only to see the Supreme Court reaffirm Johnson by the same 5–4 majority in United States v. Eichman, 496 U.S. 310 (1990), declaring that flag burning was constitutionally-protected free speech.

    All of the previous statutes concerning desecration of the flag were overturned by the Supreme Court of the United States by a 5–4 vote in the case Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397 (1989) as unconstitutional restrictions of public expression.

    This person has the absolute right to do this and is not a crime obviously. It’s protected free speech still… Thank God! This teacher should sue the school district for their actions against him.

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 23:43h, 30 June

      Chris, you are flat out wrong. Go back and do some homework because those cases have NOTHING to do with what happen in this case.

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 23:44h, 30 June

      The Supreme Court held: “When public employees make statements pursuant to their official duties, they are not speaking as citizens for First Amendment purposes, and the Constitution does not insulate their communications from employer discipline.” (Click here for Garcetti v. Ceballos)


  • Tom Mouhelis
    Posted at 14:39h, 19 May

    This teacher should be fired.

  • Shawna Ridgley
    Posted at 14:30h, 19 May

    Sensationalism. That is sad. Your last paragraph “Additionally, he stated last year (on his facebook page) that he might be inclined to assign his students a homework assignment to argue that the Jews were the problem in Nazi Germany instead of the Nazis – “in order to see things from an alternative point of view.” should also include the fact that he was referring to an article he had read about another classroom making it an assignment. Here is the complete status: “You have to be careful how you go about it, but this strikes me as the sort of assignment I might assign. It’s always valuable to be able to see things from an alternate point of view, even if that point of view is completely wrong.” I don’t know why he walked on the flag (or if he even did for that matter). I don’t know if he’s a good teacher or not. I have never met the guy. However I don’t like to see people trying to string somebody up and not even have the facts straight. Stop trying to get people to hate this guy and just report what actually happened.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 23:24h, 19 May

      If you bothered to look, the entire facebook post you are referring to is included in the article – so no, not sensationalism.

    • Brad Tinsman
      Posted at 06:47h, 20 May

      Shawna regardless of whether you think he might be a a okay guy, the fact is he stomped on an american flag. I don’t know about you but in my opinion that is enough to get an ass whipping. Don’t know how old you are but obviously you don’t have the same respect for the flag that a million men and women have died defending. You might say that they weren’t defending the flag but really the flag is a symbol of America. Just because he might have been trying to demonstrate something to a class is excuse. Stomp on the American flag, get your ass kicked. I did 26 years in the military and I detest people who don’t have any respect for the symbol of freedom.

    • Metoo
      Posted at 17:15h, 30 June

      “or if he even did it for that matter”

      Has he denied it anywhere? Are all the students who saw him do it lying?

      “not even have the facts straight”

      First he was suspended, THEN he was fired. Nothing in this article or any other about the incident mentioning what defense he gave or a denial from him. Face it, the fat POS KNEW he had no defense. By the way, you “facts straight”? In IL what he did is a felony. Here’s hoping they prosecute him for it as well. Bet he thought he was being hip and edgy and all his students would think he was sooooooo cool. Didn’t work out that way for him.

  • SafeLibraries
    Posted at 13:38h, 19 May

    “@ECWDogs: Update on Martinsville’s flag desecrating teacher –” #edchat #tdot #tcot #tlot @ncte #English

  • ECWDogs
    Posted at 13:26h, 19 May

    Update on Martinsville’s flag desecrating teacher –
