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March 9, 2025

Edgar Co. Board Meeting 5-13-2015 –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 13, 2015

Edgar County, IL. (ECWd) –

This month’s meeting of the Edgar County Board started promptly at 9:00 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.

–  Public Comment:

Rob Bogue talked about a meeting in December of 2013 which was declared an illegal meeting by the Illinois Attorney General. He asked that the board members in attendance at that meeting reimburse the county for the meeting pay they received for attending that meeting considering it was not a legal meeting and they should not get paid for an illegal meeting. He also talked about inaccuracies in the new grant application for the airport and asked the board to fix it again.

–  Audit report presented to the board.

–  Approval of various highway construction related Resolutions.

–  Approval of an Administrative Order was made to reappoint Joe Good as Jury Commissioner.

–  An appointment was made, appointing James Trogdon to the Paris Community Fire Protection District, and accepting his Bond.

–  Resolution approved renewing the Special Events Liquor license for Robert E. Morgan d/b/a as Castle Finn Vineyard and Winery, Inc.

–  Officer/Department Head Reports:

Treasurer reported the tax bills are almost printed and will be sent out.

Highway Engineer reported no report.

Circuit Clerk thanked the board for the completed painting in her office

Sup of Assessments sent the final Board of Review Report to the board. Sr. Citizen Homestead exemption needs re-certified this year.

Sheriff reported they are close to having the on-board computers installed and working.

ESDA – no report.

Probation – no report.

County Clerk – vote canvas was on April 21st and the vote count is now official. Talked about precinct divisions when population exceeds 800. Trying to shoot for the 600 mark in the precinct. This must be done in June. Cost per vote was around $10 per vote at last election. Still working on placing all the land records online – should be completed bu next month. Their portion of tax records are almost completed.

– Committee Reports:

Voigt stated the Airport was acting on replacing some posts in the t-hangars. Main hangar door – working on trying to obtain a grant to replace them. Leaseholder of the main hangar said he wil let nonprofits use that facility if they ask. Budget: 50% of year gone, with only around 40% expenditures so far this year.

Zuber thanked the auditors for their work on this audit.

Patrick talked about the work on the courthouse roof. Lots of broken shingles and rusted thru metal that needs replaced. The southwest side had the most damage. Heat pump and AC has been replaced in the judge’s chambers last week. A couple headers in tower need replaced and cove molding in circuit clerk’s office needs replaced. A small piece of sidewalk outside the courthouse needs replaced now due to heavy equipment crossing it.

Breuner said the Animal Shelter received a private donation. The AC and heating at the Health Department is going slow in getting a quote.

Executive session.


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