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March 28, 2025

College of DuPage – $395,069.11 on Public Relations, Promotion material, and advertising in last 90 days!

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On May 8, 2015

DuPage Co. (ECWd)

The request was simple:

  1. Copy of all invoices for public relations services in the last 90 days.
  2. Copy of all charges for the printing of COD promotional items mailed to residents in the last 90 days.
  3. Copy of all charges for all advertising of COD for the last 90 days.

(Click here for copy of FOIA request)

Most interesting is the fact they did not produce a SINGLE invoice from Res Republica, which I suspect they are going to claim the law firm hired them, not COD.  Who knows how much of the following is tied to them, but regardless, out of $395,069.11 spent on PR Firms, Promotions, and Adverting, all but $9,427.64 was spent PRIOR to the election!  (Click here for all the records)

So just before an election, COD spends $385,641.47 of tax payer funds on PR Firms, Promotional Items, and Advertising. 

Many taxpayers were recipients of those promotional items and advertising that ended up being used in Springfield by legislators to push legislation to stop this type of activity.

Those same taxpayers spoke with their vote in that election, but I don’t believe the folks at COD behind most of this expected things to go the way they did!

Thank you Robert Breuder! 

You have awoken the sleeping giant! 

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