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February 9, 2025

Clark Co. Parks – Charity Murphy fails to pay late fees – rewarded with two pay raises…

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 22, 2015

Clark CO., IL. (ECWd) –

In a FOIA request recently obtained, it became quite clear the Executive Director of the Clark County Park District had been cheating the public out of payments for her campsite, fuel, and late payments.

The very person responsible for making sure others pay on time or get evicted, failed to pay her own campsite rental from the time she became an employee. She knowingly used public property and credit for her own personal use starting from when she was hired as an employee. I say knowingly because she has been a long time camper and knows when her bill is due to the Park District.

This is a violation of the Illinois Constitution and of the law in her using her position as director of the Park to skirt her own monetary obligations to the district – only tendering payment AFTER a FOIA request was submitted for proof of payments. Even when finally making the payments, she did not pay the late fees that she charges other campers with when they are late.

September and October 2014 campsite rental – August, September, October electric – and September with two propane refills. In April 2015, seven months after her last payment to the park and a couple days after the FOIA request for payments, Charity paid some of her late rental payments but allegedly still owes over $1100.00 in late fees and other items.

But hey, what do the majority of commissioners do in response? They give her a second pay raise! That’s right – two pay raises in two months – even after knowledge of theft of services and property by the very person receiving the pay raises. This pay raises fixes the problem – she now gets a free campsite.

This was discussed during public comment and starts at the 14:56 mark in the video:


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CharityMurphyPic (WinCE)


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  • jannie
    Posted at 10:38h, 24 May

    It’s not unusual for camp hosts to be out of the district in many campgrounds – though depending on how many campers – it seems like 3 hosts is a lot. Depending on the campground hosts will check in people, clean bathroom/showers, and make sure things run smoothly.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 11:11h, 24 May

      She is not a “campground host”, she is the paid executive director of the park district.

  • Lisa Nickie Thomas
    Posted at 12:35h, 23 May

    The office manager, Janet Morecraft, who was terminated Thursday, also was given a free seasonal camping spot by the director.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 12:41h, 23 May

      Is it still hers the rest of the season…I mean she was given a seasonal one…

  • Jeff R
    Posted at 20:24h, 22 May

    Can someone tell me how many people get free monthly campsites and how many of them (honestly) reside and pay in district taxes…aren’t 2 of the 3 camp host out of district? Wow people wonder why the world is getting the way it is!!! What smart decisions with our tax dollars!! I’m thinking this board and their decisions really need investigated by upper government!!! Is this legal? I’m sure its not ethical!!! If I had the best interest of the park I sure wouldn’t be milking free campsites!!! Lets just sell the land that will pay the bills for a while so we can give out more free campsites that were intended to produce the revenue to keep the park going….
    Wow!!! What decision making!!!
    I wouldn’t expect anything different fom the right side…

  • Justin Case
    Posted at 20:03h, 22 May

    We need to know who else hasn’t paid their fees or have free camping .. also did she move to Clark County has she provided proof?

    • Lisa Nickie Thomas
      Posted at 17:34h, 23 May

      As far as I know she has not provided proof of living in district. Her FOIA training proof from the attorney general’s office shows she used a board members address which she denies.

  • LennieJarratt
    Posted at 19:39h, 22 May

    Clark Co. Parks – Charity Murphy fails to pay late fees – rewarded with two pay raises…

  • ChampionNewsNet
    Posted at 19:39h, 22 May

    Clark Co. Parks – Charity Murphy fails to pay late fees – rewarded with two pay raises… –

  • ljarratt
    Posted at 19:39h, 22 May

    Clark Co. Parks – Charity Murphy fails to pay late fees – rewarded with two pay raises… –

  • ECWDogs
    Posted at 19:22h, 22 May

    Clark Co. Parks – Charity Murphy fails to pay late fees – rewarded with two pay raises…
