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March 28, 2025

COD – Political Endorsements Fail the public Part III

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On April 4, 2015

DuPage Co. (ECWd)

During the 2014 Primary for State Representative race, there were two candidates for the voters to pick from. Sandy Pihos, a long term professional politician, and Peter Breen, a newcomer to state level politics and staunch conservative.

The Daily Herald endorsed Pihos over Breen in spite of their own reservations.

At the outset, we must acknowledge our reservation that Pihos appears to give lip service rather than real support to public pension reform, a crucial aspect of any attempt to get Illinois’ fiscal house in order. She voted against two reform measures that passed the House last year, and that’s a cause for legitimate concern.”

In the March 18, 2014 primary election the voters chose Breen over Pihos (8223 to 6255) as the Republican candidate to run in the November 4, 2014 general election. The voters rejected the professional politician even with the local media endorsement!

And now, ex-legislator Pihos is running for Trustee of The College of DuPage. Speaking about the College of DuPage Board of Trustees, “I believe there is a need for transparency,” Pihos said (The Daily Herald).  She has again been endorsed by The Daily Herald.

Why would The Daily Herald again, very recently, endorse a candidate who previously claimed she was for greater transparency by government agencies and who recently demonstrated, by her vote in the Illinois General Assembly, that she is for less government transparency and more restrictions on citizen’s access to what the government is doing? The Daily Herald admitted (see 1st paragraph) they had reservations about Pihos in February, 2014. What were they thinking this time with the evidence of her vote fresh in their minds, let alone the outcome of the primary proving the public saw it differently?

Well, it’s election time. When you hear claims of “fiscal conservative”, “we need more transparency,” and “accountable to you”, check the voting record.

Key issues that most voters may not be aware of, but play a serious role in the success of not only our local government but the education of our young.

  • Leadership? 12 years in the House of Representatives and never Chief Sponsored a single bill since 2006.  She only co-sponsored 10 bills in that same time frame. Most would look at that record and determine her to be a follower not a leader.  (Pihos Voting history)
  • Transparency? – Pihos voted to exempt teachers, principals and school superintendents from FOIA disclosure. At the urging of the teachers’ unions, and just months after approving what was billed as a sweeping reform of the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, Pihos voted for SB315. The bill exempts from FOIA disclosure of performance evaluations for teachers, principals and school superintendents. Also supporting SB315 was the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 31 which seeks the same exemption for all public employees who receive performance evaluations. (2010)
  • Transparency?Her comments on transparency are void of any mention of compliance with the Freedom of Information Act.  Not surprising with her vote against transparency. Clearly a problem in light of the lack of transparency at COD.
  • “Fiscal conservative” – Education?Records available for her terms as school board member are 2001-2004. Each of the three year report cards under her watch reflect average teacher salaries being $25,000 over state averages to include higher administrator salaries.  Sadly, while paying more, operating costs per student climbed every year while performance results showed virtually no gain and in many cases reduction in performance. One can only wonder why educators are supporting a track record of negative results? (ISBE Report Card – 2003-2004)  (ISBE Report Card – 2002-2003) (ISBE Report Card – 2001-2002)
  • Education – Pihos voted against groundbreaking school choice legislation. Pihos voted against SB2494 which would have given parents in under-performing Chicago school districts a voucher to cover educational expenses at nonpublic schools. SB2494 represented a lifeline to poor children who face bleak futures as a consequence of the awful and dangerous public schools in the City of Chicago. To read more about this disgrace – go here. (2010)
  • Taxes and Spending – voted for a huge electric rate increase,  voted to allow the Mayor of Chicago to DOUBLE the telephone tax, voted against electric rate relief, voted for Governor Blagojevich’s FY2005 Partial Operational Budget totaling $45.5 billion, and more and more and more! (See it all)

I suspect anyone willing to read the information and do some more of their own research will come up with the same conclusion as I did, which is that Sandy Pihos has no place in public office!

Public Endorsements Fail the public Part 1 & Part II


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  • Redcard Tom
    Posted at 15:59h, 06 April

    Look at all of the Ex. CTA employees in the COD CFO office. Mike Madigan controls COD. A Hamilton “slate” win creating a 4 to 3 majority is worthless. The IL Legislature will do nothing. The cabal has operated with impunity for many years. All of this sites detailed reporting is worthless. The DuPage States Attorney, Lisa Madigan’s AG, Obama’s U.S. Attorney will all do nothing. It is hopeless.

  • George Barraclough
    Posted at 13:05h, 06 April


    There is a story behind every person currently running for trustee at the College of DuPage. And each story is created by and reflective of the candidates’ own previous choices of words and actions. And in most cases their character. Each candidate alone is responsible for their previous words and actions.

    In the case of Matt Gambs, Dave Carlin, Sandra Pihos, Kim Savage and Nancy Svoboda we have recently seen some of those words and actions and the results of those words and actions in the articles posted online by the Edgar County Watchdogs. Many of those actual words and actions are inconsistent with, and just are not corroborated by, the actual evidence presented. And in some cases they just do not pass the smell test.

    So the voters tomorrow will have to weigh the stated claims of the candidates and the actual evidence. Evidence presented by the Watchdogs in the form of previous voting records, quotations in the media, recorded statements at board meetings and transcripts of debate. Evidence in the form of actions taken by federal bank regulators and business decisions. Evidence in the form of invoices, receipts, documents and lack of documents as revealed by FOIA requests.

    The above listed candidates are not what the College of DuPage needs at this, the most critical hour, of it’s history.

    Now, the future of fiscal honesty, truth telling, sustainability and educational ethics at the College of DuPage is up to the voters.

  • Eorge Barraclough
    Posted at 10:49h, 06 April

    Duplicitous, deceptive, disingenuous, deceitful – all words that came to mind as I read this article and the blue reference tabs in it about Sandra Pihos.

    This is breathtaking! Who knew. I didn’t. So the DuPage County Republican Party has been and continues to endorse this Republican In Name Only. And this is why the State of Illinois will shortly be declaring bankruptcy, in part because of all the RINO’s in the Illinois House and Senate, despite the best efforts of Gov. Rauner.

    The Daily Herald obviously has an agenda endorsing politicians, or wannabes, who speak out of both side of their mouths. So much for their concern for our state.

    There are now reports that Democrats from the Chicago Teachers Union are passing out Pihos fliers at the train stations (not surprising as they gave her $2500 prior to her loss in the 2014 primary election). Republican Precinct Committeemen have endorsed Pihos in the April 7 election.

    So, with The Daily Herald, again, endorsing her, the Democrats on-the-ground efforts on her behalf, the DuPage County Republican Precinct Committeeman endorsing her, notwithstanding her specious claim that she wants more transparency at the College of DuPage, how can she lose?
