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February 23, 2025

Orland Park Public Library Still Covering Up Child Porn…

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On March 8, 2015


Saturday, March 7, 2015

From Safe Libraries:

The Orland Park Public Library (link) is the scene of the latest effort by a library to cover up its literally criminal ways, in this case award-winning criminal ways.  It did so by having published a letter to the editor of the Orland Park Prairie (link).  That prompted a response by the citizenry to expose the misinformation in the hope enough pressure is brought to bear to force the library board to change its anything-goes, law breaking policy.

Presented side by side are two letters to the editor, the first by elected library trustee Diane Jennings, pictured as right, and the second a response by library patron and child porn whistleblower Kevin DuJan.  Both were printed in the Orland Park Prairie.

This is a library that serves up child pornography then covers it up—watch Diane Jennings admitting in public on 18 August 2014 that the library allowed and covered up child pornography (link).  This is a library where the public relations employee Bridget Bittman, knowing it serves up child pornography and covers it up, declared the library to be a “safe library” (link).  So now elected official Diane Jennings is worried about people “questioning the Orland Park Public Library’s commitment to child safety.”  Funny, in a sad way.  By the way, watch both Diane Jennings and Bridget Bittman attacking Kevin DuJan for being gay (link), and these are supposed to be the people telling us this public library is a safe library.

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  • James Hall
    Posted at 00:36h, 07 April

    What an incredible waste of money! Hopefully attention seekers Fox and Dujan will be satisfied with their $55,000 in “damages” and will now fade away to continue privately with their creationist “research”. What a couple of low information numbskulls. Oh, and nice site, Megan.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 06:41h, 07 April

      Most of the $55,000 goes to attorneys – What should upset you the most is the Library spending close to $200,000 fighting open meetings and the statutory right of access to public records – they are the problem, not the people trying to gain access to them. All they had to do was follow the law, but instead they tried to silence their critics with taxpayer money.

  • Kim
    Posted at 20:18h, 08 March

    what in the world are you talking about?! I am sure this is an important issue yet the way you print the story makes it impossible to find much less follow your cause or reason for writing. I certainly couldn’t match the headline with any hint of a viable story to follow…. I don’t know what’s in your head so I can not follow your train of thought – Horrible reporting skills by these people supposedly reporting horrible acts by others… Oh my, I cant imagine this passing as news worthy anywhere else but facebook

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 21:33h, 08 March

      Kim, I was simply linking to what Dan Kleinman wrote, and if you haven’t been following the OPPL stories for over a year it will take some catching up to do. The links for the articles referenced are all in the article I linked to.

    • SafeLibraries
      Posted at 23:21h, 08 March

      Kim, what I said is that Orland Park Public Library is still covering up child porn. I said that because it is. Just look at the statement from the library trustee that they might call police if people are viewing child porn. Might? This same person admitted the “award-winning” library allowed and covered up child porn. Now she is saying the library might continue to allow and cover up child porn in the future. So nothing has changed — and the accessories to the crime of child pornography are still working at the library. That’s what I’m talking about. Child porn viewing occurred, was covered up, and it might continue to be covered up per the trustee’s letter to the editor. So it’s apparent that Orland Park Public Library is still covering up child porn.

      • jmkraft
        Posted at 07:54h, 09 March

        Thanks Dan.
