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March 14, 2025

Chicago Tribune exposes more College of DuPage wining and dining –

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On March 6, 2015

DuPage Co – (ECWd) –

We have been exposing illegal actions by Breuder and his administration for months and we are overwhelmed with appreciation for the Chicago Tribune’s coverage on those matters today.  Thank you Chicago Tribune!

Robert Breuder, and his top administrators have expensed about $190,000 in food and alcohol at the campus’ upscale restaurant, Waterleaf, over the past three years.” (Click here for their coverage -may require subscription)

Their coverage validates the very exposure we have been sharing for months.  The print edition is reported to be coming out on the Front Page of the Sunday edition.

Upon sharing the article with State Representative Dwight Kay his response was priceless: “Good story. Lot of people may be facing jail time should the facts published be true.”

We know the facts are true as we have ran numerous articles on the very same matter.

If there were ever a time for law enforcement and the State’s Attorney to step up to the plate (no pun intended) and prosecute I think this is it.

Misapplication of funds is clear and violation of that law and constitutes a felony.   (Click here for that coverage only days ago) 

If this recent coverage from the Chicago Tribune does not wake up prosecutors nothing will.

(Click here to choose from dozens of COD articles exposing wrong doing)


The “dinners before meetings” violate the Open Meetings Act if ANY public business was discussed at those dinners with the Trustees.

The Trustees who ate accepted and ate the dinners, paid for by COD taxpayers, violated the Illinois Public Community College Act each and every time that accepted the dinners. Section 3-7 (e) specifically states that Trustees shall serve without compensation. We know of only one Trustee who reimbursed the college when this was brought to their attention:

<span style="font-family: Courier New; font-size: small;">(e) Members of the board <span style="text-decoration: underline;">shall serve without compensation</span> but shall be reimbursed for their reasonable expenses incurred in connection with their service as members. <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Compensation, for purposes of this Section, means any salary or other benefits <strong>not expressly authorized by this Act</strong> to be provided or paid to, for or on behalf of members of the board.</span> The board of each community college district may adopt a policy providing for the issuance of bank credit cards, for use by any board member who requests the same in writing and agrees to use the card only for the reasonable expenses which he or she incurs in connection with his or her service as a board member. Expenses charged to such credit cards shall be accounted for separately and shall be submitted to the chief financial officer of the district for review prior to being reported to the board at its next regular meeting.</span>


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  • George Barraclough
    Posted at 13:30h, 06 March

    In view of the recent revelation by the Chicago Tribune, coupled with
    the many abuses of taxpayer monies by Robert Breuder exposed by the Edgar County Watchdogs, one would think many, if not most of the 26,000 College of DuPage students would be getting pretty darned sick and tired of financing Breuder’s lavish lifestyle with their hard-earned tuition money. So sick and tired that they might finally feel compelled to take action.

    We have heard from the Chairman of the Faculty Senate Glenn Hansen. Professor Hansen made it clear recently the faculty voted “no confidence”in Breuder and he needs to go. At a recent board meeting many citizens/taxpayers expressed their opinions of Breuder’s actions and it wasn’t pretty. But we have really not heard very much from the students. After all, they are the people this whole thing is supposed to be about.

    The board election is in early April. Something needs to be done now. The College of DuPage is currently operating financially, morally and ethically in extremis. But what to do now?

    In the short-run the students and the faculty could go on strike. They could boycott the sprawling Glen Ellyn campus, the U S Bank that Breuder and Carlin so cleverly located on the campus and all other activities located therein until Breuder goes.

    Shut it down until Breuder goes! Now! Not in March, 2016. Immediately.

    Now we know there are some very wealthy people living in DuPage County which comprises most of District 502. These people own factories, buildings and other facilities. Issue a public call for someone to come forward and supply temporary facilities to hold classes in until Breuder goes.

    The people supplying temporary classroom facilities for learning ought to feel honored to have these young students and their professors present in their buildings. In fact, it very well could be the crowning achievement of their life’s work
    to be able to give life to a sinking student population laboring under the corrupt and venal administration of Robert Breuder, Erin Birt and the majority of the board of trustees.

    • Chris M. Gaines
      Posted at 14:49h, 07 March

      I agree with you! This is a great proposition as a solution to force change in this problem. I hope all the people that have the means in DuPage County to facilitate this propostion take the appropriate actions needed NOW, not later…and I pray are actually now motivated by this obvious public corruption to ACT in the best interests of the students, teachers and taxpayers paying the price for all this public corruption.

      Obviously these criminals are laughing all the way to the bank STILL about this scandal that has been exposed publicly so far.

      They all need prosecuted for these FELONY CRIMES, not offered plea deals by our States Attorney Office and not sentenced to PROBATION of any kind when convicted. They need sentenced to prison to send a very strong message to others doing the same thing currently to stop it, and others in the future considering it.

      The message should be, if you commit these types of public trust/public corruption CRIMES, the consequences of your actions will be thorough criminal investigation, prosecution, civil AND criminal convictions and a very LONG PRISON sentences not ANY form of probation. This will effectively stop this type of public corruption in the future and help restore the public trust that is vital in our government agencies to support the foundation of public trust they are all built upon and We the People RELY upon and are subjected to as citizens in our community and society in general.

      Sentence these criminals to prison, for a VERY long time and all this public corruption like it will end in OUR State of Illinois. Then we will not be known as the MOST corrupt State in our union any longer I pray. IT’S EMBARRASSING to say the least.

      This would be a great place start doing that, and our public servants and politicians should take notice and do the right thing and help facilitate our State Attorneys Office’ statewide to file criminal felony charges against all those responsible for this public corruption, obviously. Will they is the only real question that remains. Will you? Why not? Will We the People hold you accountable for your actions when we go to the voting booth in our next voting cycle? I pray so, don’t forget any of this voters in Illinois. Please. Thank you.
