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March 3, 2025

Sexual Harassment of Librarians – Librarian Protection Bill proposed –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On February 22, 2015

Sexual harassment is wrong as is working in a hostile work environment. Librarians, library employees and patrons are forced to endure that when libraries allow unfettered Internet viewing that is against the law but that the powerful American Library Association says is intellectual freedom. Learn more here.

This article comes from “It’s Just Linda

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Illinois HB 2689 to Protect Librarians from Sexual Harassment

Rep. Peter Breen

Illinois HB 2689 (link) “[c]reates the Internet Screening in Public Libraries Act.”  Its sponsor, Rep. Peter Breen (link), designed the bill to, among other things, protect librarians from being sexually harassed and having to work in a hostile work environment that is the direct result of library patrons viewing unfiltered pornography including child pornography.

Internet Screening in Public Libraries Act:  HB 2689 requires internet filters on public library computers to prevent the viewing of hard-core pornography on those computers.  Breen emphatically stated that, “I’ve heard from many moms over the years that adult men are regularly viewing hard-core pornography on public library computers, in full view of children and others.  This is an abuse of taxpayer resources and creates a hostile environment for public library employees and patrons.  No child should have to walk past obscene and abusive material in order to take advantage of the educational opportunities available at their public library.”

No doubt the American Library Association [ALA] and the Illinois Library Association [ILA] will work to see the defeat of this bill because promoting child pornography (link) and “constitutionally protected” pornography (link) trumps protecting librarians from sexual harassment and having to work in a hostile work environment.  Indeed, ALA recently revealed that librarians have never been sexually harassed and likely never will be (link).  To admit otherwise is to admit its own policy applied locally is at fault.

Continue reading…(click here)


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  • Liberty Kills Fascism
    Posted at 20:11h, 02 March

    Why do you hate the 1st Amendment of the United States of America? It’s perfectly legal as an adult to watch pornography at a library. My local library has a children’s section in which children are protected by filters under CIPA. Child Pornography is still illegal to view in the unfiltered section of the library. Leave the 1st Amendment alone and stop trying to take away my FREEDOM.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 20:44h, 02 March

      While child pornography is illegal to view no matter where it is viewed, places like the Orland Park Public Library refuse to even timely report the incident and go out of their way to provide ample time for the perp to leave the building, and the computer to automatically be erased overnight – THEN the next day they call in a “suspicion” to the police department. By that time it is too late. They need to be mandated reporters, and if caught concealing an incident, they should at a minimum lose their jobs.
      As far as the First Amendment, while it is perfectly legal, you do not have “a right” to view pornography in a public library using public internet and public computers. The Supreme Court has already decided that issue.

  • Kevin
    Posted at 15:33h, 25 February

    We need less government, not more.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 20:53h, 25 February

      If the library boards would do their jobs it would not come to this.
