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March 3, 2025

Press Release: Update on Bogart’s firing – Marron’s hiring of Bucher –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On February 10, 2015


UPDATE provided to us via email:
Yesterday the county board website was updated to indicated that Bill Bucher, a local republican friend of Mike Marron’s and campaign contributor to the 2014 Vermilion County Republican’s judge candidate, is now the county’s Financial Resources Director. According to my sources at the courthouse annex, Mr. Marron announced this hiring internally last week and Mr. Bucher started yesterday. Even though Mr. Bucher was on the job at the time, the hiring of the republican was not disclosed to any of the media who contacted Mr. Marron yesterday about the situation – perhaps because the hiring of the republican only a few days after the firing of Ms. Bogart would not have meshed well with Mr. Marron’s talking point that the termination was not political. In the meantime, Ms. Bogart still waits for Mr. Marron to disclose any reason whatsoever for her immediate and unexpected termination, either privately or publicly.
Like the termination of Ms. Bogart, the abrupt hiring of Mr. Bucher apparently was not disclosed to the county board at all. When Ms. Bogart was hired seven years ago when she applied to a publicly posted job vacancy and went through an interview and vetting process by the county board. Mr. Bucher’s hiring went through no such process. If you have questions about the transparent and appropriate process Ms. Bogart underwent to be hired you can contact former county board member Lori DeYoung at 217.497.7484.
Also, the hiring of Mr. Bucher is a direct affront to Ms. Bogart’s right to an appeal of her termination with the county’s Grievance Committee, which was timely filed. This appeal right was a procedure enacted by the county board. Instead of being elected as head of a legislative board, it appears Mr. Marron is under the misconception he was elected dictator of Vermilion County, and can hire and fire any county employee as he sees fit with no oversight or disclosure to the county board, without following any of the procedures set forth by the county board’s personnel policies, and without even answering media questions about his unilateral decisions. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on my cell at 217.918.3734.



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