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October 19, 2024

Clark County Park District violated Election Code –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On February 27, 2015


If the recent events surrounding the upcoming election were not enough, the Clark County Park District Local Election Official, Charity Murphy, has violated the Illinois Election Code. Remember, she is the person that spoke under oath at the petition objections claiming she was now familiar with the election process – but you would have to be blind to not realize that was aimed towards keeping her preferred candidates on the ballot.

“The Opening Hour”

The “Opening Hour” is defined as the exact time the local election authority (County Clerk) or local election official (Park District) opens for business on the first day they are authorized to accept petitions from candidates.

On the Opening Hour of the Park District, there were two candidates with a total of four petitions “waiting in line” outside their local election official’s office building. This kicked in the requirement for a lottery to determine ballot placement.

The Election Code – re: Lottery for Ballot Position

The Election Code describes the process below:

<span style="font-family: Courier New; font-size: small;">"...<span style="text-decoration: underline;">all petitions filed by persons waiting in line as of 8:00 a.m. on the first day for filing</span>, or as of the normal opening hour of the office involved on such day, shall be deemed filed as of 8:00 a.m. or the normal opening hour, as the case may be. Petitions filed by mail and received after midnight of the first day for filing and in the first mail delivery or pickup of that day shall be deemed filed as of 8:00 a.m. of that day or as of the normal opening hour of such day, as the case may be..."</span>

So, as I stated before, there were four petitions that met this requirement, and they were mandated to have a lottery.

<span style="font-family: Courier New; font-size: small;">"<em>... Where 2 or more petitions are received simultaneously, the State Board of Elections, the election authority or the local election official with whom such petitions are filed <span style="text-decoration: underline;">shall break ties and determine the order of filing by means of a lottery</span> or other fair and impartial method of random selection approved by the State Board of Elections. <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Such lottery shall be conducted within 9 days following the last day for petition filing and shall be open to the public</span>...</em>"</span>

There is also a requirement of a seven day advance notice of any such lottery, and the requirement to certify the ballot positions.

We cannot find were any of this happened, which is simply one more reason to pay special attention to this election if you can vote for a Park District Commissioner. When asked, the excuse provided is that the District didn’t get complete information, you know, the “it’s Bush’s fault” excuse…

Charity Murphy testified under oath that she knew enough about the election code to be a qualified expert in giving her opinion – but still cannot seam to follow the very law she professes to know.

Gather your facts, purge the board of those that cannot follow the law, and purge the board of those that wish to create a housing subdivision out of pristine forested areas that belong to the people of Clark County and were promised for recreational purposes.



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1 Comment
  • Chris M. Gaines
    Posted at 18:51h, 27 February

    It’s all about the money, the addiction (love) of money they obviously have that fuels it, to justify their bloated obscene ever increasing annual budgets in most government agencies across the board, it’s not about stopping the addiction to money, it’s about wanting more every year after year, more, more and even more, it’s not about reducing annual budgets year after year, proactively conserving our precious public resources and ONLY used on legitimate needs our society has, and instead it’s now the status quo to just accept the wasting our precious public resources and profiting of the backs of others unjustly. It’s WRONG! Expose it publicly MORE not LESS. Open source intelligence. Informed decisions based on the TRUTH not fantasy land. DUH. ITS illegal, it’s public corruption and business as usual with the ‘Good Ol’ Boys’ network who protect each other through secret societies. Let’s expose it together as responsible citizens who are all WELL informed and MORE involved in OUR Republic. Join us. You in? WHY NOT?
