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March 28, 2025

Edgar County Board having insurance problems at Airport –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On January 31, 2015


The Edgar County Airport’s recent response to a Freedom of Information Act request proved to be consistent with what we have been suspecting for years – that the perceived issue of “insurance” was never really an issue, and is still not an issue – it was simply a smoke screen for several “people” to attempt to flex their muscles and try to get what they were after from the Airport, and ultimately from the taxpayers.

Think back over the past few years and remember the constant badgering about insurance from people leasing hangars, etc, at the airport. Even going so far as the former airport manager claiming that even though proof of insurance was shown, it could be canceled at any time, therefore there was no insurance. Chris Patrick (disgraced former county board chairman), Jimmy Wells (disgraced former airport manager), Adonna Bennett (disgraced former airport advisory board chairman), and Mike Heltsey (disgraced former Dept. of Corrections employee, former illegally appointed “covert investigator” for the Crippes regime, and current county board member) were the main culprits in the scheme – all on the taxpayer dime.

Now back to present time:

The existing hangar lease agreement at the airport requires that proof of insurance be given to the airport manager for all “flyable airplanes” stored inside or outside of the leased hangar. The proof of insurance must name the county as additionally insured (on flyable airplanes), and there must be a minimum of $1 mil of general liability insurance. This term as used, is meant to denote airplanes that are currently flyable, and also airplanes that can be brought to flyable status with some type of maintenance performed on them. Remember that term “flyable airplane” as that plays an important part to this puzzle.


A FOIA request asking for the certificates of insurance on all airplanes for all hangar leases was sent to the airport, and this is their response:

Certificates of insurance for T-hanger leases…were provided for:

a)      1) John Milligan*1981 Cessna 152 – 1,000,000.00 – 7/2014 to 7/2015 Does not show the County as additionally insured

b)      2) Jacob Barrett – 1968 Cessna 1721 – 1,000,000.00  – 6/2014 to 6/2015 Does not show the County as additionally insured.

c)       3) Dale Barkely  2007 Sky Ranger II LSA  – 1,000,000.00  –  8/2014 to 8/2015 Shows the County as additionally insured.

d)      4) Jacob Jobst    1968 Cessna 150 H   –  1,000,000.00  –  8/2014 to 8/2015 Does not show the County as additionally insured.

e)      5) Frank Bishop 2006 Christavia MK 1 –  0000000000 – 4/2014 to 4/2015 Does not show the County as additionally insured.

f)       6) John Roehm  1946 Cessna 140  –  1,000,000.00 – 5/2014 to 5/2015 Does not show the County as additionally insured.

g)      7) Dennis Naylor 1978 Cessna 152   – 1,000,000.00 – 8/2014 to 8/2015 Does not show the County as additionally insured.

Far-reaching Consequences

Let us just assume for once that the Edgar County Airport and the Edgar County Board are actually telling us the truth on this issue – that there are only 7 (SEVEN) flyable airplanes at the Edgar County Airport. Don’t get me, wrong, I don’t believe for a minute that the board gave us the correct number, but we can always hold out hope…

This would further prove the fraudulent grant application for the fuel farm/apron extension, where they all claimed 36 airplanes at the airport – is it any wonder the FAA and IDOT put a screeching halt to the million dollar grant?

Now, copies of any applications for future grants have been requested, so we can see what numbers are listed on those applications – care to take a wild guess?

Ok, back to reality – the County did not respond with all of the information that is required by the lease agreements. We must find out why certain people are allowed to violate their lease and demand they comply. I suggest that all leaseholders in violation of the lease be given 30 days to vacate the t-hangar and the airport, after all, they should treat everyone the same.

Remaining Questions:

a)      Why, in foia hanger lease requests, did not all 15 hangers have leases on them and match the insurance documents when all 15 hangers are in use as indicated by the comparison between leases and insurance documents?

b)      Does Chris Patrick have a flyable airplane at the airport and if so, where is his insurance document?

c)       Does “Tom and Jerry “ have a flyable airplane at the airport and if so, were is his insurance document?

d)      RSB does not have flyable aircraft in storage at the Edgar County Airport…

e)      Does Jake Payne have a flyable airplane at the airport and if so where is his insurance document?

f)       Does Tom Newlin have a flyable airplane at the airport and if so where is his insurance document?

g)      Does Steve Blane have a flyable airplane at the airport and if so where is his insurance document?

h)      Does Tom Newlin have a flyable airplane at the airport and if so where is his insurance document?

i)        Does Dale Barkely lease a hanger and if so where is a copy of the lease agreement?

j)        Does John Milligan lease a hanger and if so where is a copy of the lease agreement?

k)      Does Jacob Jobst lease a hanger and if so where is a copy of the lease agreement?

l)        Why doesn’t Frank Bishop (insurance doc) match name on lease (Kevin Bishop) and include information requested in FOIA showing $1,000,000.00 in insurance coverage?

m)    Why are Indiana residents (i, e, Newlins) allowed to lease (3) hangers…from the airport when that airport is a subsidized by Illinois/Edgar County taxpayers to the tune of $100,000-$200,000.00 annually – AND – claims have been made that there is a waiting list for hangar space, but that list could not be produced.

n)      Records in hand indicate only 7 airplanes at the Edgar County Airport in flyable condition


The bottom line in all of this, is to show that all of the excuses and lies put forth in the past from airport and county board members were in fact lies, and there has never been, and will never be, an attempt at holding others accountable to the terms of the lease they signed.


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