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March 28, 2025

Marshall’s Mayor Sanders violates own anti-bullying policy –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On December 6, 2014


In a strange twist of events, Mayor Camie Sanders has continued to violate the very anti-bullying/workplace violence policy he spearheaded a month or so ago.

The remaining Aldermen violate this policy by remaining silent on this obvious bullying tactic of Mayor Sanders.

One of the key provisions in the policy, is its definition of bullying on pages 4 and 5, which include:

— Excluding or isolating someone socially
— Removing areas of responsibility without cause
— Withholding necessary information or purposefully giving the wrong information
— Unwarranted or undeserved punishment

But the problem with their policy, is that the person violations get reported to is the same one that is committing the acts.

Earlier this year, Mayor Sanders removed Alderman LeFever from all committees in an attempt at intimidating him into being quiet about the unauthorized pay raises some office workers gave themselves. This started the witch-hunt to find something against LeFever that would undermine his position as alderman. Complaints were filed against him by the same people that were caught having given themselves the unauthorized pay raises. The mayor then went on an all expense paid (by taxpayers) biased “investigation” that resulted in a $27,000 legal bill, with nothing to show for it. In that process, Mayor Sanders kept LeFever from performing all of his duties as an elected Alderman, even going so far as banning him from certain meetings and withholding city records that he is authorized to review.

Now we get to this new policy, that clearly defines and gives examples of bullying.

Mayor Sanders has not reappointed Alderman LeFever to any committees, thereby violating the very policy he pushed to get adopted.

Read the policy in question (here).


Read our other articles on the City of Marshall (here).

2014-12-06 08.17.31


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  • stopthesilence_
    Posted at 20:19h, 06 December

    Marshall’s Mayor Sanders violates own anti-bullying policy – via @ECWDogs

  • joesteals
    Posted at 12:57h, 06 December

    Marshall’s Mayor Sanders violates own anti-bullying policy –

  • Sharon Hollingsworth
    Posted at 12:03h, 06 December

    I don’t live in Marshall, though I did at one time. I DO, however know Camie Sanders and his wife Marilyn, and have for over 40 years. They are both extremely wonderful people. I have no idea of the dealings with the Marshall town council, nor do I need to know. But, I would think that if you are going to research a person in order to malign him in this manner, you would at least spell his name correctly. I’ll just bet you could find that information in the local telephone directory.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 12:33h, 06 December

      Fixed it – Thanks.

  • Marian Clennon
    Posted at 10:09h, 06 December

    Wow, interesting to see this same story in another town in another state.

  • ECWDogs
    Posted at 08:26h, 06 December

    Marshall’s Mayor Sanders violates own anti-bullying policy –
